Calculating the registry cost

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The total cost of resources required for your registry includes registry-exclusive costs and shared services costs.

One pool of shared services can potentially serve dozens of registries, and its operation costs are distributed among those registries. Shared services include the following:

  • The system for automatic deployment, scaling, and management of applications in Openshift containers (master and workers).

  • The distributed file storage subsystem (Ceph).

  • The event logging a subsystem.

  • The Platform’s secret management subsystem (Central Vault).

  • The Platform’s backup copies storage (Minio).

  • Secure exchange gateway.

1. Standard configurations

When deploying your registry using standard templates, refer to the following cost estimates:

Template Number of VMs Monthly VM cost Monthly VM disk cost Monthly distributed storage cost Monthly traffic cost Monthly shared services cost Monthly total

























The prices are based on Amazon Web Services cloud computing platform rates as of the end of 2022, assuming a 12-hour operation per day during the working week.

For a more detailed cost breakdown, download the Registry cost calculator spreadsheet and see the Cost calculator sheet.

2. Cost calculator

Use the following calculator to estimate the cost of resources required to operate the registry that meets specific requirements:

On the Set registry size sheet, the Your registry row contains calculation results. Underneath, you can configure your registry parameters.

2.1. Results

Number of VMs

The estimated number of virtual machines necessary to operate the registry that meets the parameters you specified.


The estimated monthly cost of operation based on Amazon Web Services cloud computing platform prices. It includes the cost of virtual machines for the registry and shared services of the Platform.

2.2. Input parameters

2.2.1. Basic parameters

High availability

Reserve additional instances of registry components and capacity for automatic horizontal scaling.

Operating mode

The time when the registry is working.

2.2.2. Registry size

Number of business entities

The number of tables in the registry data model.

Maximum number of instances of business entities (rows in a table)

The number of rows in the largest registry table.

Approximate volume of historical data in GB

The volume of data loaded into the registry before it is put into production (initial loading).

2.2.3. Registry parameters

The following parameters are set separately for these three user categories: officers, citizens, and other systems.

Number of users

The number of registered users who can use the registry.

Number of services (business processes)

The number of services a registry can provide to various types of users.

Average number of user tasks per service

The average number of tasks that require user input.

Average number of automated tasks per service

The average number of tasks that do not require input from the user.

Number of reports

The total number of modeled reports used by the officers.

Number of excerpts

The total number of modeled excerpts.

Number of services provided per month

The total number of all types of services provided during the month.