Task 3. Modeling a business process with integration

1. Objective of the task

The execution of this task aims to:
  • Teach modeling a business process that involves integration with a data factory.

  • Teach modeling branches within a business process.

  • Teach modeling unified steps in business processes using Call Activity.

  • Teach modeling forms and configuring Select components to retrieve data from the data factory.

2. Prerequisites

Before proceeding with the task, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled:

  1. Встановіть додаток Camunda Modeler і типові розширення до нього.

  2. Ознайомтеся із компонентами FormIO для моделювання форм.

  3. Gain a more detailed understanding of business process components through the provided link.

  4. Familiarize yourself with the functioning logic of Call Activity through the provided посиланням.

3. Task execution process

3.1. Business process modeling

During the business process modeling phase, it is necessary to create and save the corresponding BPMN diagram.

Please use the add-lab.bpmn file with the pre-designed business process schema as an example.

3.1.2. Creating a pool for the business process

First, model a pool for the business process. Follow the steps below:

Business process diagram modeling should take place within the Create Pool/Participant element.
  1. Open the Camunda Modeler application and create a new BPMN diagram. To do this, click on the FileNew FileBPMN Diagram option in the top left corner:

    bp 1

  2. On the toolbar on the left, find the Create Pool/Participant element and drag it to the modeling panel:

    bp 2

  3. Fill in the following fields with appropriate values:

  • In the Name field, enter Lab creation.

  • In the Process id field, enter add-lab.

  • In the Process name field, specify Lab creation.

    task 3 1 bp

3.1.3. Creating a start event

Create a start event. Follow the steps below:

  1. On the toolbar on the left, find the CreateStartEvent element (a circle) and drag it to the modeling panel:

    bp keys create start event
    bp keys create start event 1
  2. In the settings panel on the right, fill in the following parameters with appropriate values:

    • In the Name field, enter Start.

    • In the Initiator field, enter initiator.

    task 3 2 bp

3.1.4. Creating a user task for entering laboratory data

Next, create a user task intended for users to entering data by the user. Follow the steps below:

  1. Select the circle with the start event, modeled in the previous stage, and attach a new task by clicking the Append Task icon:

    task 3 3 bp append task

  1. Specify the task type by clicking the key icon and choosing User Task from the menu:

    task 3 3 bp user task

  2. In the settings panel on the right, click Open Catalog, select the User Form template from the menu, and click Apply to confirm:

    task 3 3 bp open catalog

    task 3 3 bp user form

  1. On the settings panel on the right, fill in the following fields:

    • In the Id field, specify addLabFormActivity.

    • In the Name field, enter Add Laboratory Information.

    • In the Form key field, enter add-lab-bp-add-lab.

    • In the Assignee field, specify ${initiator}.

    task 3 3 bp

3.1.5. Modeling a service task for creating a business key

  1. Create a new Service Task:


  2. From the extensions catalog (Open Catalog), select the Define process business key template.

    task 3 04

  3. In the settings panel, define the following fields (task name and script for generating the business key):

    • In the Name field, enter Set business Key.

    • In the Business key field, enter the following script:

      ${submission('addLabFormActivity').formData.prop('name').value().concat(' ').concat(submission('addLabFormActivity').formData.prop('edrpou').value())}

    For more detailed information on configuring business keys, you can follow the link.

    task 3 05

    Using the business key, users can differentiate one business process from another (or one user task from another) in the list of business tasks in the User portals of the official and service recipient.

    bp keys officer portal task

3.1.6. Creating a service task for searching laboratory data

Next, it is necessary to create a Service Task for searching laboratory data. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Service Task:


  2. From the extensions catalog (Open Catalog), select the Search for entities in data factory template, and press Apply to confirm.

    task 3 06

  3. On the settings panel on the right, fill in the following fields:

    • In the Id field, enter searchForLabByNameAndEdrpouActivity.

    • In the Name field, it should be specified as Search for laboratory data (transient var).

    • In the Input Parameters section → Resource, specify the following:

      • In the Variable Assignment Type field, select String or Expression.

      • In the Variable Assignment Value field, enter laboratory-equal-edrpou-name-count.

      task 3 07

    • In the Input ParametersSearch Variables section, provide the following:

      • In the Variable Assignment type field, select Map.

      • In the Add Entry field, add entries for parameters name and edrpou (UA-specific) by clicking the plus (+) sign and specifying their corresponding values:

        Key Value





      task 3 08

    • In the Input ParametersX-Access-Token section, specify the following:

      • In the Variable Assignment Type field, select String or Expression.

      • In the Variable Assignment Value field, enter ${completer('addLabFormActivity').accessToken}.

        After the completion of the first User Task, try using the completer('<task_id>') function to retrieve user data, instead of initiator().

        The access token is taken from either the initiator (e.g., $initiator().accessToken} OR the executor of the last User Task (e.g., ${completer('taskDefinitionId').accessToken}).

        The JWT token has a validity period of 300 seconds. If the token of the initiator who started the business process is specified, and the user does not perform the task for a long time, the token will expire, and the business process will need to be restarted.

        For more details on JUEL functions, you can refer to the JUEL functions: JUEL functions in business processes.

      task 3 6 bp

    • In the Output ParametersResult Variable section, fill the Assign to Process Variable parameter with the value response.

      task 3 7 bp

3.1.7. Creating and configuring an XOR gateway

Next, it is necessary to attach an XOR gateway. Follow the steps below:

  1. Select the rectangle with the service task Search for laboratory data (transient var) modeled in the previous stage and attach the XOR gateway by clicking the Append Gateway icon.

    task 3 create xor

  2. In the settings panel on the right, specify the ID and name of the gateway:

    • In the Id field, enter isLaboratoryExistGateway.

    • In the Name field, enter Are data present?

    task 3 8 bp

3.1.8. Creating a branch with a validation error

At this stage, it is necessary to create a branch with a validation error. Follow the steps below:

  1. Select the rhombus with the XOR gateway "Are data present?" modeled in the previous stage and create a new service task by clicking the Append Task icon.

    task 3 9 bp append task

  2. Specify the task type by clicking the key icon and choosing Service Task from the menu.

    task 3 9 bp service task

  3. Click Open Catalog, select the Throw validation error template, and press Apply to confirm.

    task 3 9 bp choose temp

    1. In the settings panel on the right, fill in the following fields:

      • у полі Name введіть Формування валідаційної помилки.

      • In the Name field, enter Generating validation error.

      • In the Input ParametersValidation Errors section, provide the following:

        • In the Variable Assignment Type field, select List.

        • Add the following values for the Value field:

          Value 1
          {"field": "name", "value": "${submission('addLabFormActivity').formData.prop('name').stringValue().replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\"")}", "message": "Data for this laboratory already exists"}
          Value 2
          {"field": "edrpou", "value": "${submission('addLabFormActivity').formData.prop('edrpou').value()}", "message": "Data for this laboratory already exists"}

    task 3 9 bp

    The Throw validation error delegate has the ability to display multiple messages simultaneously.

    In the event of generating this validation error, the user will see two pop-up messages approximately in the following format:

    • name: <entered value for name on the form> "Data for this laboratory already exists".

    • edrpou (UA-specific): <entered value for edrpou on the form> "Data for this laboratory already exists".

  4. On the branch that goes from the "Are Data Present?" gateway to the user task Formation of validation error, configure the following parameters:

    • In the Id field, enter isLaboratoryAlreadyExistFlow.

    • In the Name field, enter yes.

    • In the Condition Type field, enter Expression.

    • In the Expression field, enter ${!response.value.responseBody.elements().isEmpty()}.

    task 3 10 bp

3.1.9. Configuring the branch with continuing the business process

On the branch that goes from the Are data present? gateway to the user task Sign laboratory data (see Creating the user task for data signing_ below), configure the following parameters:

  1. Leave the Id field with its default value.

  2. In the Name field, enter no.

  3. In the Condition Type field, select Expression.

  4. In the Expression field, enter ${response.value.responseBody.elements().isEmpty()}.

    task 3 create branch continue bp

3.1.10. Creating the user task for data signing

Create a User Task for data signing. Follow these steps:

  1. Define the task type by clicking the key icon and choosing User Task from the menu.

  2. Click Open Catalog, select the Officer Sign Task template, and press Apply to confirm.

  3. In the settings panel on the right, fill in the following fields:

    • In the Id field, enter signLabFormActivity.

    • In the Name field, enter Sign laboratory data.

    • In the Form key field, enter add-lab-sign-lab-data.

    • In the Assignee field, enter ${initiator}.

    • In the Form data pre-population field, enter ${submission('addLabFormActivity').formData}.

    task 3 create user task lab data signing

3.1.11. Creating the script task "Preparing data for record (transient var)"

Create a new Script Task to prepare data for record. Follow these further configurations:

  1. Select the rectangle with the User Task created in the previous step and append a new task by clicking the Append Task icon.

  2. Define the task type by clicking the key icon and choosing Script Task from the menu.

  3. Select the added Script Task and configure the following parameters:

    • In the Id field, enter convertSignFormDataToDataFactoryFormatActivity.

    • In the Name field, enter Preparing Data for Record (transient var).

    • In the Script Format field, select groovy as the scripting language.

    • In the Script Type field, choose InlineScript.

    • Insert the groovy script directly into the Script field.

      Click to expand
      def signedFormData = submission('signLabFormActivity').formData
      signedFormData.prop('oblast', signedFormData.prop('oblast').prop('code').value())
      signedFormData.prop('koatuuId', signedFormData.prop('koatuu').prop('koatuuId').value())
      signedFormData.prop('ownershipId', signedFormData.prop('ownership').prop('ownershipId').value())
      if (signedFormData.hasProp('premisesFile')
          && !signedFormData.prop('premisesFile').isNull()
          && !signedFormData.prop('premisesFile').elements().isEmpty()) {
          signedFormData.prop('premisesFile', signedFormData.prop('premisesFile').elements()[0])
      } else {
          signedFormData.prop('premisesFile', null as String)
          && !signedFormData.prop('accreditationFile').isNull()
          && !signedFormData.prop('accreditationFile').elements().isEmpty()) {
          signedFormData.prop('accreditationFile', signedFormData.prop('accreditationFile').elements()[0])
      } else {
          signedFormData.prop('accreditationFile', null as String)
      set_transient_variable('dataPayload', signedFormData)

    task 3 create script task prepare data record transient var

3.1.12. Modeling the service task for data signing with the system key

Create a service task for data signing with the system key and configure the corresponding integration extension. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the rectangle with the script task modeled in the previous step and append a new task by clicking the Append Task icon.

  2. Define the task type by clicking the key icon and choosing Service Task from the menu.

  3. In the settings panel on the right, click Open Catalog to open the list of available delegate templates.

  4. From the list received, select the System signature by DSO service template, which should be used for data signing with the system key.

  5. In the settings panel on the right, go to the General tab and configure the delegate parameters:

    • In the Name field, enter the task name as Sign data with system key;

    • In the Payload field, pass the data that needs to be signed with the system signature as ${dataPayload}.

      • In the X-Access-Token source field, pass the access token of the person currently executing the task with the ID 'signLabFormActivity' as ${completer('signLabFormActivity').accessToken}.

        After the completion of the first User Task, try using the completer('<task_id>') function to retrieve user data, instead of initiator().

        The access token is taken from either the initiator (e.g., $initiator().accessToken) OR the executor of the last User Task (e.g., ${completer('taskDefinitionId').accessToken}).

        The JWT token has a validity period of 300 seconds. If the token of the initiator who started the business process is specified, and the user does not perform the task for a long time, the token will expire, and the business process will need to be restarted.

        For more details on JUEL functions, you can refer to the JUEL functions at JUEL functions in business processes.

      • In the Result variable field, specify the name of the variable to which the digital signature of the specified data will be recorded as system_signature_ceph_key.

    task 3 create call activity sign data by system key

3.1.13. Creating the service task for saving data to the data factory

At this stage, you need to create and configure a new service task for saving data to the data factory. Follow the steps below:

  1. Using the example from Creating a service task for searching laboratory data, create a new service task Save data to data factory by clicking the key icon and choosing Service Task from the menu.

  2. Click Open Catalog, select the Create entity in data factory template, and press Apply to confirm.

    task 3 24 bp choose temp

  1. In the settings panel on the right, configure the following parameters:

    • In the Id field, enter sendLabToDataFactoryActivity.

    • In the Name field, enter Save data to data factory.

    • In the Resource field, specify laboratory.

      In this example, the resource name corresponds to the table name laboratory in the database.

      The Resource field is used to determine the name of the resource (endpoint) in the data factory to which the data will be sent.

      Please note that when modeling the business process, you should use resource names with a dash "-" (instead of an underscore "_") that consist of two or more words.

      For example:

      Resource name in the business process: laboratory-test

    • In the Payload field, enter ${dataPayload} as the data to be saved;

    • In the X-Access-Token field, enter ${completer('signLabFormActivity').accessToken}.

      After the completion of the first user task, try using the completer('<task_id>') function to retrieve user data, instead of initiator().

      The access token is taken from either the initiator (e.g., $initiator().accessToken) or the executor of the last user task (e.g., ${completer('taskDefinitionId').accessToken}).

      The JWT token has a validity period of 300 seconds. If the token of the initiator who started the business process is specified, and the user does not perform the task for a long time, the token will expire, and the business process will need to be restarted.

      For more details on JUEL functions, you can refer to JUEL functions in business processes.

    • In the X-Digital-Signature source field, enter ${sign_submission('signLabFormActivity').signatureDocumentId}.

    • In the X-Digital-Signature-Derived source field, enter ${system_signature_ceph_key}.

    • In the Result Variable field, specify response, the variable to which the server’s response will be recorded, if applicable.

    task 3 24 bp

3.1.14. Creating the service task for setting the business process result

At this stage, you need to create and configure a service task that will set the result of the business process.

  1. Using the example from Creating the service task for saving data to the data factory, model a new service task Execution result: Laboratory created by clicking the key icon and choosing Service Task from the menu.

  2. Click Open Catalog, select the Define business process status template, and press Apply to confirm.

    task 3 25 bp choose temp

  3. In the settings panel on the right, configure the following parameters:

    • In the Name field, enter Execution result: Laboratory created.

    • In the Status field, enter Laboratory created!.

    task 3 25 bp

The Name field has an informative value. "Execution result: Laboratory created!" will be displayed on the portal in the Status of the completed business process field, informing us about the completion of a certain business process.


notifications success 01

3.1.15. Creating the business process completion event

At this stage, you need to create an event that will mark the completion of the main business process.

  1. Using the example from [create-end-event-call-activity] (external subprocess Call Activity), attach and configure the event for completing the business process.

  2. In the settings panel on the right, for the Name parameter, enter Laboratory created.

task 3 26 bp

As a result, you will have a complex business process modeled with the configuration and invocation of an external subprocess Call Activity.

3.1.16. Saving the modeled business process schema

After completing the modeling process, save the obtained business process schema with the name add-lab.bpmn to the bpmn folder in the Gerrit repository. To do this, in the top-left corner, open the File menu, select Save File As..., and enter the corresponding name and path.

3.2. Form modeling

During the form modeling stage, you need to create and link JSON forms to the previously modeled tasks within the business process.

Forms are linked to business processes by the service name.

Use the files add-lab-bp-add-lab.json and add-lab-sign-lab-data.json with the modeled forms as examples.

3.2.1. Creating the data entry form

First, create a form for data entry by the user. Follow these steps:

  1. Access the Regulations administrator portal.

    admin portal form modeling step 1
  2. Create a new candidate version for Task 3:

    task 3 011

    task 3 012

  3. Go to the UI forms section. To create a new form for the business process, click the Create new form button:

    task 3 013

    • In the new window, in the Business form name field, enter the name corresponding to the modeled user task — Add laboratory information.

    • Fill in the Form name field with the value add-lab-bp-add-lab (must match the value in the Form key field of the same user task).

      task 3 27 forms name

  4. Go to the Constructor tab.

  5. From the components panel on the left, drag the Text Field component to the modeling panel and perform further settings:

    task 3 27 forms drag text field

    • In the new window, go to the Display tab and fill in the Label field with Laboratory name:

      task 3 27 forms

    • Go to the Validation tab and set the Required parameter to true:

      task 3 28 forms

    • Go to the API tab and fill in the Property Name field with name.

      The Property Name field value must be unique.

    • Click the Save button to save the changes:

      task 3 29 forms

      Similarly, model text fields (Text Field) for EDRPOU or RNOKPP Code (UA-specific), Address, Phone, and Manager.

  6. From the components panel on the left, drag the Checkbox component to the modeling panel and perform further settings:

    task 3 30 forms drag checkbox

    • Go to the Display tab and fill in the Label field with Accreditation available:

      task 3 30 forms

    • Go to the API tab and fill in the Property Name field with accreditationFlag.

    • Click the Save button to save the changes:

      task 3 31 forms

  7. From the components panel on the left, drag the File component to the modeling panel and perform further settings:

    task 3 32 forms drag file

    • Go to the Display tab and fill in the Label field with Premises documents:

      task 3 32 forms

    • Go to the File tab and fill in the following fields:

      • In the Storage field, specify Url.

      • In the Url field, specify /documents.

        task 3 33 forms

      • In the File Pattern field, specify application/pdf,image/jpeg,image/png.

      • In the File Minimum size field, specify 0KB.

      • In the File Maximum size field, specify 50MB.

        task 3 34 forms

    • Go to the Data tab and leave the Multiple Values field empty, i.e., with the value False:

      task 3 35 forms

    • Go to the API tab and fill in the Property Name field with premisesFile.

    • Click the Save button to save the changes:

      task 3 36 forms

  8. From the components panel on the left, drag the Select component to the modeling panel and perform further settings to obtain information from the directory:

    task 3 37 forms drag select

    • Go to the Display tab and fill in the Label field with Ownership form:

      task 3 37 forms

    • Go to the Data tab and fill in the following fields:

      • In the Data Source Type field, specify URL.

      • In the Data Source URL field, specify /officer/api/data-factory/ownership-contains-name, where:


        • /officer indicates that the request to the directory will be executed from the Officer portal.

        • /api/data-factory/ indicates the path to the data factory.

        • ownership-contains-name is the name of the search condition to obtain data from the ownership directory that was modeled and added to the repository.

  • In the Value Property field, specify ownershipId.

    task 3 38 forms

  • In the Item Template field, specify <span>{{ item.name }}</span>,

    where name is the name of the parameter that returns the search condition and will be displayed on the form.

    task 3 39 forms

    • Go to the Validation tab and set the Required parameter to true.

    • Go to the API tab and fill in the Property Name field with ownership:

      task 3 40 forms

    • Click the Save button to save the changes.

  1. By analogy, perform the settings to obtain information from the Region directory. From the components panel on the left, drag the Select component to the modeling panel.

    task 3 37 forms drag select

    • Go to the Display tab and fill in the Label field with the value Region:

      task 3 41 forms

    • Go to the Data tab and fill in the following fields:

      • у полі Data Source Type вкажіть значення URL;

      • у полі Data Source URL вкажіть /officer/api/data-factory/koatuu-obl-contains-name,

      • In the Data Source Type field, specify the value URL.

      • In the Data Source URL field, enter /officer/api/data-factory/koatuu-obl-contains-name,


      • /officer indicates that the query to the directory will be executed from the Officer portal;

      • /api/data-factory/ indicates the path to the data factory;

      • koatuu-obl-contains-name is the search condition to obtain data from the directory of regions that was modeled and added to the repository.

      • In the Value Property field, enter the value code.

        task 3 42 forms

      • у полі Item Template вкажіть <span>{{ item.name }}</span>,

      • In the Item Template field, enter <span>{{ item.name }}</span>,

        where name is the parameter name that returns the search condition and will be displayed on the form.

      • In the Refresh Options On field, specify (the current value will be removed when the value in the Region field changes);

      • Set the flag to True for the Clear Value On Refresh Options parameter.

        task 3 43 forms

    • Go to the Validation tab and set the flag for the Required parameter to True.

    • Go to the API tab and fill in the Property Name field with the value region:

    task 3 44 forms

    • Click the Save button to save the changes.

  2. Configure the dependent component Select. Drag the Select component from the component panel on the left to the modeling panel and perform further settings to obtain information from the directory:

    task 3 37 forms drag select

    • Go to the Display tab and fill in the Label field with the value Settlement name:

      task 3 45 forms

    • Go to the Data tab and fill in the following fields:

      • In the Data Source Type field, enter URL.

      • In the Data Source URL field, enter /officer/api/data-factory/koatuu-np-starts-with-name-by-obl,


        • /officer indicates that the query to the directory will be executed from the Officer portal;

        • /api/data-factory/ indicates the path to the data factory;

        • koatuu-np-starts-with-name-by-obl is the search condition to obtain data from the directory of settlements that was modeled and added to the repository.

      • In the Value Property field, enter koatuuId.

        task 3 46 forms

      • In the Filter Query field, enter level1={{data.oblast.code}},


        • level1 is the input parameter for the endpoint koatuu-np-starts-with-name-by-obl;

        • {{data.oblast.code}} is the path to obtain data from data.Property name.Value Property from the previous Select component.

      • In the Item Template field, enter <span>{{ item.name }}</span>,

        where name is the parameter name that returns the search condition and will be displayed on the form.

      • In the Refresh Options On field, enter Region (the current value will be removed when the value in the Region field changes);

      • Set the flag for the Clear Value On Refresh Options parameter to True.

        task 3 47 forms

    • Go to the Validation tab and set the flag for the Required parameter to True.

    • Go to the API tab and fill in the Property Name field with the value koatsu (UA-specific).

    • Click the Save button to save the changes.

  3. Save the form by clicking the Create form button in the upper right corner:

    task 3 48 forms

3.2.2. Creating a form for data signature

After completing the previous stage of creating a form for data entry, create another form for data signature.

To do this, copy the previously modeled form by clicking the copy icon — this will allow you to create a form from a ready-made template.

task 3 49 forms

Configure the form parameters:

  1. Enter the name of the corresponding user task Sign laboratory data in the Business form name field;

  2. Fill in the Form name field with the value add-lab-sign-lab-data (corresponding to the Form key field value of the same user task);

  3. In all components:

    • On the Display tab, set the flag for the Disabled parameter.

    • Click the Save button to save the changes.

      task 3 50 forms

  4. Save the form by clicking the Save changes button in the upper right corner.

3.2.3. Uploading modeled forms of the business process to the local directory

Upload the forms by clicking the upload icon and place them in the regulatory folder forms of the project in the local Gerrit repository.

task 3 51 forms

3.3. Modeling access to the business process

At this stage, it is necessary to provide access to the business process in the Officer portal for the standard officer role.

Access parameters are configured in the configuration file named officer.yml in the bp-auth directory.

Edit the file bp-auth/officer.yml by adding the following parameters:

Example. Configuring access to the business process in the Officer portal
  realm: 'officer'
    - process_definition_id: 'add-lab-test'
      process_name: 'Laboratory creation'
      process_description: 'Regulation for creating laboratories'
        - officer
    - process_definition_id: 'add-lab'
      process_name: 'Laboratory creation'
      process_description: 'Regulation for creating laboratories'
        - officer

Saving the access configuration file

Save the officer.yml file to the regulatory folder bp-auth of the project in the local Gerrit repository.

4. Uploading regulation files to the remote Gerrit repository

For successful deployment of the business process, forms, and applying the correct access settings to the business process in the target environment, the regulation administrator needs to upload the saved local regulation files to the remote Gerrit code repository.

To do this, follow the steps: Deploying registry regulations in Gerrit.