Notifications operational database

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1. General overview

The purpose of the notifications database is to store operational data related to templates and records of sent inbox notifications to users.

2. Database schema

Diagram notation Table notation Meaning

ο and [PK]


Primary key


(references table.column)

Foreign key

column name in bold

Required field (not null)

column name in regular font

Optional field (null)

3. Data structures

3.1. inbox_notification

In-app user messages for display in the Citizen portal

Column name

id uuid (PK)
Row identifier

recipient_id text
Identifier of the user receiving the message

subject text
Message subject

message text
Message content

is_acknowledged boolean
Message status (read/unread)

created_at timestamp with time zone
Date/time of message creation

updated_at timestamp with time zone
Date/time of message update

3.2. notification_template

Notification template data

Column name

id uuid (PK)
Row identifier

name text
Template message internal name. Unique in combination with channel.

channel text

Communication channel for using the message template. Unique in combination with name.

  • inbox - Citizen portal

  • email - email

  • diia - Diia application (Ukrainian citizen-facing solution, UA-specific)

content text
Text template of the message body for future data filling

checksum text
SHA-256 checksum generated for the CONTENT field

created_at timestamp with time zone
Date/time of template creation/publication

updated_at timestamp with time zone
Date/time of last change within template publication

title text
Textual message title

ext_template_id text
Unique identifier of the template copy saved in an external system for further message sending using it

ext_published_at timestamp with time zone
Date/Time of the last publication of the record in the external systemBD

Uniqueness constraints



3.3. notification_template_attr

Additional attributes of templates based on the requirements of a specific communication channel

Column name

id uuid (PK)
Row identifier

template_id uuid (references
Identifier of the message template

name text
Attribute’s operational name

value text
Attribute’s value