Architectural documentation

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1. General overview

The Platform for state registries is an information system designed to deliver government services in a digital format efficiently. It enables the rapid creation, modeling, deployment, and maintenance of electronic state registries.

The main objective of this solution is to implement a decentralized and regulated approach to managing state registries. This product aims to balance data security requirements, interoperability, deployment speed, and the cost of registry ownership.

2. Main purpose

The Registries Platform aims to address several problems with the current state of government information registries, which complicate the process of digitizing government services:

  • Many registries, owned by multiple entities, are maintained in Excel with poor data quality.

  • Registry information systems are outdated and require updates.

  • There is a lack of registry classification and differentiation of requirements for protecting registry data.

  • High costs are involved in developing and maintaining individual registries.

  • Building inter-registry integrations poses significant complexity.

  • The creation of each registry is determined by a separate law, leading to different definitions and approaches.

  • Each registry requires the development of its infrastructure.

  • There is a lack of centralized evolution of registry functionalities.

3. Business drivers

  • 100% of government services available to citizens and businesses in digital format.

4. Business objectives

  • Building a unified government information space

  • Standardizing the process of developing and operating registries

  • Optimizing costs for registry development, deployment, and ownership

  • Reducing demands on registry developers and administrators

  • Ensuring societal trust and preventing corrupt practices

  • Facilitating efficient inter-registry interactions

  • Establishing the groundwork for providing digital services

  • Ensuring high data storage reliability for registries

5. Non-functional capabilities

  • Deploying The Platform for state registries in a public or private cloud environment

  • Creating one or multiple registries based on a single instance of the Platform, supporting the "Registry as a Service" SaaS model

  • Centralized distribution of updates to instances of the Platform for state registries

  • Ensuring registry compliance of the platform registries with security, scalability, and fault-tolerance requirements

  • Auditing user actions and system-critical events

  • Supporting data versioning in registries

  • Backup and data recovery for registries

  • Monitoring and logging functionalities

  • Encryption of registry data

6. Functional capabilities

  • Low-code approach to registry development, including data models, business processes for information and administrative services, organizational structure, external integrations, and more;

  • Web interface for accessing and providing government services;

  • Transactional model for making changes to the registry using digital signatures for data change requests;

  • Support for quick integration of registries with external systems;

  • Public API for registry data and rate limit management;

  • Data access rights management using RBAC;

  • Building analytical reports based on registry data;

  • Generating extracts based on registry data, and more.

7. Architectural documentation sections

The Registries Platform technical documentation package includes:

  • Platform conceptual architecture — description of the conceptual design of the solution, end-users of the Registries Platform, and external systems with which interaction is built

  • Platform logical architecture — high-level structure of the solution with a description of its decomposition into components (zones, subsystems, etc.) and the interaction between them

  • Platform deployment architecture — deployment architecture of the Registries Platform

  • System requirements — description of system requirements for deploying the Registries Platform on the target infrastructure

  • Platform security architecture — technical documentation describing the security architecture of the Registries Platform

  • Platform technology stack — description of the list and categories of key technologies applied in building the Registries Platform solution

  • Platform quality attributes — key quality attributes with descriptions of approaches and techniques for addressing them

  • High-level design of zones and subsystems of the Platform — a set of sections with a high-level architecture, descriptions of components and their interactions, key aspects of the solution, and so on.

  • Platform API documentation — documentation of the API services of the Registries Platform