Excerpts operational database

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1. General overview

The purpose of the excerpt database is to store operational data of excerpt templates and the status of requests for generating excerpts.

2. Database schema

Notation Key
Diagram notation Table notation Meaning

ο and [PK]


Primary key


(references table.column)

Foreign key

column name in bold

Required field (not null)

column name in regular font

Optional field (null)

3. Data structures

3.1. excerpt_record

Records of excerpt generation and status

Column name

id uuid (PK)
Row identifier

status text
Excerpt generation status

  • 0 - In progress

  • 1 - Error

  • 2 - Completed

status_details text
Details in case of an error

keycloak_id text
Identifier of the user who initiated the excerpt

checksum text
Excerpt checksum

excerpt_key text
Document key for the excerpt in CEPH

created_at timestamp with time zone
Time of request creation

updated_at timestamp with time zone
Time of request update

signature_required boolean
Necessity of applying a system signature for the given report type

x_source_system text
Name of the subsystem executing the request

x_source_application text
Name of the subsystem component initiating the request

x_source_business_process text
Name of the business process defined by the regulation administrator during modeling

x_source_business_activity text
Name of the service task defined by the regulation administrator during modeling

x_digital_signature text
Link to the Ceph document storing the original user request and signature

x_digital_signature_derived text
Link to the Ceph document storing the system signature automatically applied to the request body

excerpt_type text
Type of excerpt to be generated within the business process

  • csv

  • pdf

  • docx

3.2. excerpt_template

Excerpt templates. This table is populated during regulations deployment, and the template body is updated if names match and checksums do not.

Column name

id uuid (PK)
Row identifier

template_name text
Template name. It is a unique value.

template text
Template content

created_at timestamp with time zone
Time of template creation

updated_at timestamp with time zone
Time of template update

checksum text
Template checksum

template_type text
Excerpt format

  • csv

  • pdf

  • docx

Uniqueness constraint
