Container orchestration platform

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1. General description

OpenShift is an open-source container management platform that provides advanced orchestration capabilities and deployment of containerized software. It is developed on the basis of Kubernetes, provides a full stack of solutions and abstractions for developing, deploying, managing, and monitoring containers. This platform provides an opportunity to deploy your software provision in any public cloud environment, private cloud environment or on your own local infrastructure, providing resilience, reliability and security for deployed software.

OpenShift is a flexible platform that can be easily extended, supplemented and integrated with other tools, platforms and software. This allows you to have:

  • monitoring and logging capabilities that provide information about the health and performance of software and infrastructure

  • network security policies and role-based access control (RBAC) to enable secure publishing and end-user access

  • backup and scaling of the platform and deployed software, allowing for rapid recovery of the system state and respond to load increases or decreases.

  • distributed data stores for storing state and information of stateful applications.

OpenShift is an ideal solution for organizations looking to modernize their software infrastructure and accelerate digital transformation processes. In Registry Platform, OpenShift is used as the main platform for deploying and managing containerized applications.

2. Main features

  • Container orchestration

  • Load balancing

  • Application scaling

  • Application monitoring

  • Ensuring safety and reliability

container orchestration
Figure 1. The high-level architecture of the container orchestration platform

The OpenShift architecture consists of several virtual machines, including:

  • Master virtual machines. Responsible for managing the overall health of the cluster, including application planning and deployment.

  • Infrastructure and Platform virtual machines. They contain system operators and applications that provide work for Container orchestration Platform and Registries Platforms.

  • Registry virtual machines. Run containers with registry software.

3. Technology stack

During the design and development of the subsystem, the following technologies were used:

3.1. Scalability

OpenShift container orchestration platform has the ability to scale efficiently as application requirements change. This includes the ability to automatically create and deploy additional resources such as new containers or virtual machines, to handle an increased load, and the ability to remove resources during periods of reduced demand for optimization use of resources and funds.

The platform achieves scalability through a combination of declarative configuration, auto-scaling (HPA) and automatic scaling of the cluster itself. Declarative configuration allows administrators to define and manage application resources in a consistent and repeatable manner that facilitates scaling as needed. HPA monitors the resource usage of individual applications and scales their amount up or down depending on the previous given rules, such as CPU or memory usage. Cluster autoscaling, on the other hand, is automatic and creates or deletes virtual machines in the cluster depending on demand, allowing efficient use of resources and optimizing costs.

3.2. Availability

  • Openshift supports automatic load balancing and failover of application instances on different virtual machines of the cluster. This ensures that if the virtual machine is not working correctly, then it can work smoothly transfer to other healthy machines without affecting the availability of the application.

  • Openshift supports the concept of replicas, which allows multiple instances of applications to run simultaneously. This ensures that even if one or more instances fail, the application will still be available to users through working instances.

  • Openshift allows you to use rolling updates to deploy new versions of applications with minimal impact on users. This ensures that updates can be made without interruptions or service interruptions.

3.3. Portability

The Openshift container orchestration platform and the software deployed on it are installable and portable in various infrastructure environments, from public and private cloud platforms to own local infrastructure without requiring significant changes to software or underlying infrastructure.

The container orchestration platform is built by abstracting away from the infrastructure details and provides a standard runtime environment for applications regardless of where they are deployed. This is achieved through containerization, which allows packaging of applications in self-contained and portable containers, and the use of declarative configuration that automates the provision and configuration of infrastructure resources.

In addition, the Container Orchestration Platform provides a set of APIs and abstractions that allow teams to operations to manage and orchestrate containerized applications in a standard and platform-independent manner.

Thus, the container orchestration platform allows you to deploy and run applications in any environment without source code changes, reducing the time and effort to deploy applications and ensuring their portability.

3.4. Operability

Openshift’s container orchestration platform provides a set of admin tools and APIs for management, operation, and resolution problems with clusters and applications on it, including visual interfaces, the `oc' utility console, and the OpenShift API.

These tools allow administrators to view and manage cluster health, deploy new applications or upgrades, monitor performance metrics and logs, perform various checks, audits, and scaling.

Platform interoperability is also achieved through infrastructure as code (IaC) practices and automation tools Terraform, which enables consistent and repeatable deployment and configuration of OpenShift clusters and related resources.

3.5. Security

The Openshift container orchestration platform provides a wide range of security features and capabilities for applications and their data. These include role-based access control (RBAC), network policies, secret management, container image security, audit logging, and security context constraints (SCC).

Role-based access control allows administrators to define access controls and permissions for users and applications, providing access to resources only to authorized users. Network policies allow you to restrict network traffic between applications and apply enforcement rules network segmentation.

Secret management provides a secure mechanism for storing and using sensitive data such as passwords and certificates

Thus, using these security features of the OpenShift Platform, it is possible to ensure the security of applications deployed in OpenShift, protecting them from unauthorized access, data breaches and other security threats.

3.6. Observability

Openshift container orchestration platform provides performance, behavior, and health insights containerized applications running on the cluster. This includes the ability to monitor and analyze metrics related to application and infrastructure performance, as well as collection and analysis of application logs and traces. The platform has built-in observability capabilities, including support for a variety of monitoring solutions and the ability to integration with external logging and tracing systems. In addition, it provides APIs and tools to configure and manage observability, enabling operations teams to gain deep insights into the behavior and state of their applications and infrastructure.

3.7. Extensibility

The Openshift container orchestration platform provides extensive customization and extensibility of the platform itself to it met specific needs and requirements. It provides a rich list of extension points such as definitions own resources (CRD), admission controllers and operators that allow you to create your own controllers and other components that integrate with the platform itself. This allows you to build and deploy your own solutions based on OpenShift, while ensuring the use of the main functionality and advantages of the platform.