Updating Platform infrastructure components

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Start the update process on the page Special steps for update, and then, within the framework of performing special steps, proceed to update the infrastructure components.


Platform cluster management follows the GitOps approach. This means that any changes to the configuration of the OpenShift cluster, cluster components, and Platform components are made by modifying the configuration of these components in their respective Git branches.

Each component is a separate Git repository. The metadata of all infrastructure components that can be managed using the GitOps approach is stored in the cluster-management component.

Cluster Management or cluster-mgmt is a composite repository that defines specific versions of infrastructure components. Updating this component will automatically update the corresponding infrastructure components of the Platform.

Here is a list of components which can be updated using the GitOps approach:

  • catalog-source;

  • storage;

  • monitoring;

  • logging;

  • service-mesh;

  • velero;

  • control-plane-nexus;

  • user-management.

You can manage the updates of Platform infrastructure components in the Control Plane admin console interface.

The update process can be divided into these stages:
  1. Select update options in Control Plane.

  2. Go through code review in Gerrit.

  3. Monitor the build process in Jenkins.

Update options in Control Plane

  1. Sign in to Control Plane.

    update cluster mgmt 01

  2. Open the Platform management section.

  3. Click the Edit button in the upper-right corner.

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  4. On the page that opens, go to the Cluster update section.

  5. Select the version to which you wish to update the Platform components from the dropdown list.

    Available update versions are always higher than the current build.
  6. Click the Confirm button to save your changes.

    As a result, the system generates a Platform components version update request and pushes changes (via git push) to the Gerrit repository for further code validation.

    cluster mgmt update

Reviewing changes in the Gerrit code review system

After successfully creating a version update request through the Control Plane admin console, you need to go through the code review procedure in Gerrit. To do this, perform these steps:

  1. Sign in to Control Plane.

  2. Open the Platform management section.

  3. Scroll down to the Update requests section.

  4. Find your request and click the View in Gerrit icon next to it.

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  5. In Gerrit, review the code changes and approve merging the changes to the master branch of the repository (via git merge).

    cluster mgmt gerrit mr

After the changes are merged to the master branch of the Gerrit repository, Jenkins automatically starts the build process using the latest changes.

Monitoring the build process in Jenkins

After the changes are merged to the master branch of the Gerrit repository successfully, you need to make sure that the cluster-mgmt pipeline has started and completed successfully in Jenkins.

  1. Sign in to Control Plane.

  2. Open the Platform management section.

  3. Scroll down to the Configuration section and click the Jenkins link icon in the CI column.

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  4. In Jenkins, wait until all the steps of the MASTER-Build-cluster-mgmt build are completed.

    cluster mgmt jenkins

After a successful build, Platform infrastructure components are updated to the version you selected. The option to update registry components becomes available.