Interim data of business processes

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The current technical design is focused on the general aspects of implementing the requirements for temporary storage of intermediate data received from the user or generated within the execution of business processes.

1. Description of components intermediate data BP

Intermediate BP data is a logical group of data that belongs to a separate instance of a business process and consists of the following components:

  • Data received through task UI forms from users

  • Files that have been uploaded through the task UI forms by users

  • Signature data received through task UI forms from users

  • Data used as input when initiating a business process by the user

  • Data used as input when initiating a business process by external systems

  • Data of system signatures that were generated on derived data

  • Data that was generated as a result of interprocess interaction

Intermediate BP data is an integral part of the state of a business process instance, which is vital for its recovery in the event of failures and subsequent successful completion.

2. Scenarios for using intermediate data

  • Storage and use of intermediate BP data

  • Exchange of intermediate BP data during interservice interaction

  • Exchange intermediate BP data during interprocess interaction

  • Removal of intermediate BP data upon completion of business processes

3. Basic principles

  • Проміжні дані БП повинні зберігатися у сховищі, яке забезпечує вимоги надійності зберігання

  • Проміжні дані БП повинні зберігатися у сховищах, які є оптимальними у розрізі типів цих даних та сценаріїв їх використання задля забезпечення швидкодії системи

  • Сховище проміжних даних БП повинно забезпечувати вимоги відмовостійкості та масштабування

  • Проміжні дані БП є даними, по відношенню до яких необхідно забезпечити вимоги бекапування та відновлення

  • Цілісність зберігання проміжних даних БП забезпечується відсутністю можливостей адміністратора регламенту для внесення прямих змін, окрім сценаріїв, які надає система в автоматичному режимі

  • Взаємодія зі сховищем проміжних даних БП повинна бути реалізовано з використанням захищеного протоколу обміну даними

  • Проміжні дані БП повинні зберігатися у сховищі у зашифрованому вигляді

  • Сховище проміжних даних БП має експортувати всі необхідні метрики для його моніторингу та обслуговування

4. Technical solution design

This diagram shows the platform services involved in implementing the requirements and the interaction between them. In addition, important features that must be taken into account in the framework of implementation are depicted.

Two types of storage are used to save and exchange intermediate data of business processes:

  • Redis: Hash structure with data segregation by keyspaces

  • Ceph: "lowcode-file-storage" bucket for temporary storage of documents


4.1. System components and their purpose within the solution design

This section provides a list of system components that are involved or need to be changed/created as part of the implementation of functional requirements according to the technical design of the solution.

Component Official title Usage scenarios

Business processes execution service


- Saving and reading data and user signature obtained through UI-forms of business process tasks.

- Storage of derived data and system signature.

- Saving and reading payloads of messages formed during interprocess interaction.

- Deletion of temporary data upon completion of business processes.

User tasks management service


- Storage of user and signature data obtained during the execution of business process tasks.

- Reading user data obtained in the process of performing tasks of business processes

User processes management service


Saving the input data received from the user through the start UI form of the business process

Gateway service for integration with external systems


Storage of input data required to initiate a business process when called by external systems

Digital documents service


- Storage of intermediate data / documents during the execution of business processes

- Deletion of intermediate data / documents upon completion of business processes.

Service for requests for changes to registry data


- Obtaining primary user data with a superimposed signature.

- Get the signature generated on derived data by the system

Service for servicing requests for excerpt generation


- Obtaining primary user data with a superimposed signature.

- Get the signature generated on derived data by the system

Distributed in-memory data storage


Storage of intermediate data during the execution of business processes

Distributed object data storage


Storage of intermediate data / documents during the execution of business processes

4.2. Configuring interservice interaction policies

As part of the implementation of the requirements, it is necessary to add the appropriate network policies NetworkPolicy, which allow interaction for the following components:

  • bpmsredis

  • bpmsdigital-documents

  • user-task-managementredis

  • user-process-managementredis

  • bp-webservice-gatewayredis

  • registry-rest-apiredis

  • excerpt-service-apiredis

Updating and removing outdated network access policies, if necessary, should be carried out on N+1 updates of the Platform version.

4.3. Structural diagram of system components

Ensuring standardization in working with intermediate data between Platform services, fixing contracts and code reuse is implemented through the introduction of the following modules:

  • ddm-form-data-storage

  • ddm-file-storage

  • ddm-bpm-message-payload-storage

This structural diagram shows the services of the platform and their interaction with temporary data stores using the service modules listed above.


To save data using the Redis Hash-structure, the approach of segregation of objects through Keyspaces-prefixes is used (<keyspace>:<original-key>):

  • bpm-form-submissions

  • bpm-message-payloads

At this stage, the <original-key> generation algorithm remains unchanged to ensure the correctness of data migration when switching from Ceph to Redis.
An example of a key pattern for the task data:
An example of a key pattern for the body data of an interprocess communication message:

4.4. Data structure of bpm-form-submissions keyspace

  "x-access-token": "...",
  "data": {
  "signature": "..."

4.5. Data structure of bpm-message-payloads keyspace

  "data": {

4.6. Automatic deletion of intermediate business process data

The system must automatically remove intermediate data from the storage upon completion of the business processes (transition to the COMPLETED or EXTERNALLY_TERMINATED state) within which they were received or generated.

4.6.1. lowcode-file-storage Ceph-bucket

  • Files that have been uploaded through the task UI forms by users

4.6.2. bpm-form-submissions Redis keyspace

  • Data received through task UI forms from users

  • Signature data received through task UI forms from users

  • Data used as input when initiating a business process by the user

  • Data used as input when initiating a business process by external systems

  • Data of system signatures that were generated on derived data

4.6.3. bpm-message-payloads Redis keyspace

  • Data that was generated as a result of interprocess interaction

5. Fault-tolerant key-value data storage based on Redis Sentinel

Redis is used as a key-value storage of intermediate BP data, and fault tolerance is ensured by means of the Redis Sentinel mechanism.

Redis Sentinel is a distributed system that consists of N instances of Sentinel processes that interact with each other.

Redis Sentinel has the following features:

  • the fact of failure of the master node is confirmed by several instances of Sentinel, which form a quorum, which reduces the number of false positives

  • Sentinel itself is a fault-tolerant system that can perform its functions even if some Sentinel instances are down.

Redis Sentinel provides the following capabilities:

  • Monitoring - Sentinel monitors that instances of Redis-master and replica work correctly

  • Alerting - Sentinel provides the ability to send messages to the administrator in case of identification of failures of Redis instances

  • Automatic recovery - In the event that the Redis-master instance starts working incorrectly, Sentinel initiates the process of determining a new Redis-master instance and reconfiguring other Redis-replicas to interact with the new master.

Detailed information can be found in the official technical documentation Redis Sentinel.

5.1. Deploying Redis Sentinel

A separate Kubernetes operator [Redis Operator by Spotahome] is used to automate the deployment and management of the Redis Sentinel repository.

Deployment features:

  • Interaction with Redis Sentinel requires client authentication

  • Interaction with Redis requires client authentication

  • Data exchange between Sentinel and Redis instances is secured using TLS

  • Developed 3 possible Redis Sentinel deployment configurations depending on fault tolerance requirements and available resources:

    • Minimal

    • Recommended

    • CI/CD

5.2. Redis Sentinel Configuration

Settings Value Description



The number of Sentinel process instances



The number of Redis-replica instances



The number of Sentinel-processes, which is necessary to confirm the inoperability / unavailability of the Redis-master



The time, in milliseconds, that a Redis instance must be unavailable for Sentinel to consider it down



The time in milliseconds used as a delay when confirming the unavailability of the Redis-master



The number of Redis replicas that are simultaneously unavailable while reconfiguring to use a new Redis master in case of automatic recovery



The minimum number of replicas available to the Redis master to accept data modification operations



The minimum time, in seconds, used as a replica unavailability indicator when performing asynchronous replication or availability checks

5.3. Configuration of client services

Redis Sentinel Connection Configuration Example for the Registry Change Request Service
  type: redis
      keyspace: 'bpm-form-submissions'
      username: ${redis-secret:redis.username} [redis data node auth]
      password: ${redis-secret:redis.password} [redis data node auth]
        master: <sentinel-redis-master-group-name>
        nodes: <redis-sentinel-service>:<redis-sentinel:port>
        username: ${redis-secret:redis.sentinel.username} [sentinel auth]
        password: ${redis-secret:redis.sentinel.password} [sentinel auth]
  type: ceph
      http-endpoint: ${lowcode-file-ceph.http-endpoint}
      access-key: ${lowcode-file-ceph.access-key}
      secret-key: ${lowcode-file-ceph.secret-key}
      bucket: ${lowcode-file-ceph.bucketName}
  type: ceph
      http-endpoint: ${datafactoryceph.http-endpoint}
      access-key: ${datafactoryceph.access-key}
      secret-key: ${datafactoryceph.secret-key}
      bucket: ${datafactoryceph.bucketName}
Example configuration of connection to Redis Sentinel for Business Process Execution Service
    type: redis
    keyspace: 'bpm-form-submissions'
    type: redis
    keyspace: 'bpm-message-payloads'
      username: ${redis-secret:redis.username} [redis data node auth]
      password: ${redis-secret:redis.password} [redis data node auth]
        master: <sentinel-redis-master-group-name>
        nodes: <redis-sentinel-service>:<redis-sentinel:port>
        username: ${redis-secret:redis.sentinel.username} [sentinel auth]
        password: ${redis-secret:redis.sentinel.password} [sentinel auth]