Task 1. Modeling registry database structures

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This training task focuses on scenarios specific to Ukraine. However, it is also valuable for developers working on registry regulations, as it offers a comprehensive guide to using a declarative approach in data-modeling. The task covers essential skills such as creating tables, defining relationships and dependencies, setting up search conditions (views), and managing the initial data load process for registries.

1. Task purpose

The goal of this task is to:
  • Teach you how to model database structures.

  • Teach you how to develop Liquibase XML templates for deploying database structures in the registry.

  • Teach you how to create Search Conditions in the database for integrating the data factory with business processes.

2. Task

Create a database structure to store and process laboratory certification information according to the following logical data model:

task 2 1 logical model en

During this task, all necessary information, examples, and files will be provided.

However, you can also clone your project’s repository with the regulation by following the step-by-step guide. The regulation already includes all the .xml files for data modeling, specifically:

  • createTables.xml — contains the definitions for creating tables according to the logical data model.

  • main-liquibase.xml — the main file for deploying the registry’s data model, linking to other .xml files.

  • createSearchConditions.xml — creates search criteria, which will become VIEW objects in the registry’s database, i.e., API representations.

  • populateDictionaries.xml — contains database functions for populating dictionary tables.

In the data-model folder, you will find the createTables.xml and main-liquibase.xml files (the latter is the main file for deploying the registry’s data model).

All future database and API representation schemes will be created in the data-model folder, while CSV dictionaries for populating reference tables will be placed in the data-model/data-load folder.

Create a separate file named tablesSubjects.xml to contain changeSets with custom data types:

  • type_subject_type

  • type_subject_status

Although these changeSets can be included in the main table creation file (createTables.xml), we recommend keeping them in separate files for clarity. Key rule: changeSets with custom data types must run BEFORE the table creation changeSets, as the tables depend on these custom data types. If this order is not maintained, Liquibase will be unable to correctly process the data model, resulting in a build error.

More details about all the configurations are provided later in this document.

3. Data model development plan

  1. Define primary keys for each entity.

  2. Define foreign keys if they exist in the entity.

  3. Define required fields.

  4. Define fields or combinations of fields that must be unique.

  5. Define the names of tables and fields in Latin characters.

4. Creating tables and relationships

  1. Open the data-model folder in the registry and create a file called tablesSubjects.xml to store changeSets with custom data types. This file will define the following types:

    • type_subject_type

    • type_subject_status

      1. Copy the metadata from the XML template below and add it to your tablesSubjects.xml file without modifications.

        This XML template defines the key parameters for Liquibase to handle custom data types. It specifies the XML schema versions and namespaces for extensions like dbchangelog and dbchangelog-ext. The xsi:schemaLocation tells Liquibase where to find schemas for validating database changes.

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog http://artifactory.control-plane-nexus/nexus/repository/extensions/com/epam/digital/data/platform/dbchangelog/4.5/dbchangelog-4.5.xsd
                http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog-ext http://artifactory.control-plane-nexus/nexus/repository/extensions/com/epam/digital/data/platform/liquibase-ext-schema/latest/liquibase-ext-schema-latest.xsd">
      2. Add a changeSet for the type_subject_type inside the <databaseChangeLog> tag:

        This code block creates a custom data type type_subject_type as an enumerated list, used to define the type of subject. The changeSet includes metadata such as the author and a unique ID to track this change. Enum values also include translations for each value, allowing them to be used in localized interfaces.

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog http://artifactory.control-plane-nexus/nexus/repository/extensions/com/epam/digital/data/platform/dbchangelog/4.5/dbchangelog-4.5.xsd
                http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog-ext http://artifactory.control-plane-nexus/nexus/repository/extensions/com/epam/digital/data/platform/liquibase-ext-schema/latest/liquibase-ext-schema-latest.xsd">
            <changeSet author="registry owner" id="enum subject_type">
                <comment>CREATE TYPE type_subject_type</comment>
                <ext:createType name="type_subject_type">
                        <ext:label translation="Individual">INDIVIDUAL</ext:label>
                        <ext:label translation="Entrepreneur">ENTREPRENEUR</ext:label>
                        <ext:label translation="Legal Entity">LEGAL</ext:label>
                        <ext:label translation="Officer">OFFICER</ext:label>
      3. Add a changeSet for the type_subject_status after the type_subject_type changeSet within the same <databaseChangeLog> tag:

        Here, a second custom data type type_subject_status is added. This type is also defined as an enum, but its values describe the statuses of subjects in the system. Placing this changeSet after type_subject_type ensures correct execution order, enabling Liquibase to process each custom type properly before creating tables. The final structure should look like this:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog http://artifactory.control-plane-nexus/nexus/repository/extensions/com/epam/digital/data/platform/dbchangelog/4.5/dbchangelog-4.5.xsd
                http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog-ext http://artifactory.control-plane-nexus/nexus/repository/extensions/com/epam/digital/data/platform/liquibase-ext-schema/latest/liquibase-ext-schema-latest.xsd">
            <changeSet author="registry owner" id="enum subject_type">
                <comment>CREATE TYPE type_subject_type</comment>
                <ext:createType name="type_subject_type">
                        <ext:label translation="Individual">INDIVIDUAL</ext:label>
                        <ext:label translation="Entrepreneur">ENTREPRENEUR</ext:label>
                        <ext:label translation="Legal Entity">LEGAL</ext:label>
                        <ext:label translation="Officer">OFFICER</ext:label>
            <changeSet author="registry owner" id="enum subject_status">
                <comment>CREATE TYPE type_subject_status</comment>
                <ext:createType name="type_subject_status">
                        <ext:label translation="Canceled">CANCELED</ext:label>
                        <ext:label translation="Registered">REGISTERED</ext:label>
                        <ext:label translation="Suspending">SUSPENDING</ext:label>
                        <ext:label translation="Suspended">SUSPENDED</ext:label>
                        <ext:label translation="Bankruptcy">BANKRUPTCY</ext:label>
                        <ext:label translation="Sanction">SANCTION</ext:label>
                        <ext:label translation="Not Valid">NOTVALID</ext:label>
  2. Using the information defined in the data model development plan, and the XML template provided below, create an empty file called createTables.xml.

    Use the ready-made file createTables.xml as an example.
  3. Copy the metadata from the provided XML template below into your file as-is, without changes.

    Example. XML file template
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/dbchangelog-4.2.xsd
            http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog-ext https://nexus.apps.server-name.dev.registry.eua.gov.ua/nexus/repository/extensions/com/epam/digital/data/platform/liquibase-ext-schema/latest/liquibase-ext-schema-latest.xsd">
    https://<link to central Nexus>/nexus/repository/extensions/com/epam/digital/data/platform/liquibase-ext-schema/latest/liquibase-ext-schema-latest.xsd
    • The <link to central Nexus> variable refers to the Nexus server path of the central components (it needs to be updated, for example, when migrating the registry to a different cluster).

    Every .xml file must contain system information at the top, inside the <databaseChangeLog> tag.

    Alternatively, use the template main-liquibase.xml from the Gerrit repository as an example for copying metadata.

    The main-liquibase.xml file acts as an "index" and uses the <include> directive to reference other XML templates needed for deploying data structures.

4.1. Table creation order

Change the order of changeSet entries in the createTables.xml file so that tables with foreign key references to other tables are created after the tables they reference. For example, tables with laboratories should be created after the KOATUU and Ownership tables.

Place the changeSet entries in the following order for table creation:

  1. "KOATUU" (COATSU" — Classifier of objects of administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine)

  2. "Ownership"

  3. "Subject"

  4. "Laboratory"

  5. "Staff Status"

  6. "Staff"

4.2. Creating the "Laboratory" table

In this example, we’ll walk through the process of creating changeSets as part of deploying the physical data model by focusing on the "Laboratory" table.

At this stage, you will create a new table called "Laboratory". This process involves the following steps:

1.Create a changeSet

In this step, create a changeSet, which is a set of atomic changes in Liquibase.

Inside the createTables.xml file, within the <databaseChangeLog> tag, add a new <changeSet> tag.

Table 1. Mandatory attributes
Attribute Value


For example, "table laboratory"


Your full name

As a result, your structure should look like this:

    <changeSet id="table laboratory" author="registry owner">
    <changeSet id="table ownership" author="registry owner">

2. (Optional) Add a comment

Optionally, inside the <changeSet> tag, add a <comment> tag to explain what changes this changeSet implements.

The updated structure will look like this:

    <changeSet id="table laboratory" author="registry owner">
        <comment>Creating the "Laboratory" table</comment>
3. Add the createTable tag

At this step, create an empty table.

Inside the <changeSet> tag, add a <createTable> tag specifying the table name as "laboratory" in Latin characters.

Table 2. Mandatory attributes
Attribute Value





The structure now expands as follows:

    <changeSet id="table laboratory" author="registry owner">
        <comment>Creating the "Laboratory" table</comment>
        <createTable tableName="laboratory" ext:historyFlag="true">

As part of the regulation verification process, the historyFlag must be set to true when using the <createTable> or <addColumn> tags in a changeSet. This ensures an additional history table will be generated, with a specific set of system fields for each table.

More information about the ext:historyFlag attribute is available at:

4. Add the column tag

In this step, define the columns of the table.

For each field specified in the data model development plan for the "Laboratory" table, add a <column> tag inside the <createTable> tag, specifying the column name and data type.

Table 3. Attributes
Attribute Value


Column name


Data type

(For example, "UUID", "TEXT")

The resulting structure expands as follows:

    <changeSet id="table laboratory" author="registry owner">
        <comment>Creating the "Laboratory" table</comment>
        <createTable tableName="laboratory" ext:historyFlag="true">
            <column name="<column_name>" type="<data_type>">
  • For <column_name>, use Latin characters.

  • For <data_type>, specify the correct data type.

5. Add the constraints tag

At this step, define constraints for each column.

  • For the primary key column, add a nested <constraints> tag with the following attributes:

    Table 4. Attributes
    Attribute Value






    For example, "pk_laboratory_id"

    The data type for this column: UUID

    The primary key name must be unique.



    This provides a default value for the key.

    The nullable="false" attribute is required for all columns that cannot contain null values according to business logic.

    Always use UUID for table keys and the function uuid_generate_v4() for default values. This function generates a random number (see https://www.uuidgenerator.net/version4).

  • For all foreign key references, add a <constraints> tag with the foreignKeyName, referencedTableName, and referencedColumnNames attributes, specifying the unique foreign key name, the referenced table, and the referenced column:

    Table 5. Attributes
    Attribute Value


    "fk_<Unique foreign key name>"


    "<Referenced table name>"


    "<Referenced column name>"

    Prefix the foreignKeyName attribute with fk_ to indicate the relationship to a foreign table.
    When adding foreign keys, be mindful of the table creation order.
6. The final structure should look like this:
Example. changeSet with tags for creating the laboratory table
    <changeSet id="table laboratory" author="registry owner">
        <comment>Creating the "Laboratory" table</comment>
        <createTable tableName="laboratory" ext:historyFlag="true">
            <column name="laboratory_id" type="UUID" defaultValueComputed="uuid_generate_v4()">
                <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="pk_laboratory_id"/>
            <column name="subject_id" type="UUID" remarks="Subject identifier">
                <constraints nullable="false" foreignKeyName="fk_laboratory_subject"
                             referencedTableName="subject" referencedColumnNames="subject_id"/>
            <column name="name" type="TEXT">
                <constraints nullable="false" unique="true"/>
            <column name="koatuu_id" type="UUID">
                <constraints nullable="false" foreignKeyName="fk_laboratory_koatuu"
                             referencedTableName="koatuu" referencedColumnNames="koatuu_id"/>
            <column name="address" type="TEXT">
                <constraints nullable="false" unique="true"/>
            <column name="edrpou" type="TEXT">
                <constraints nullable="false" unique="true"/>
            <column name="ownership_id" type="UUID">
                <constraints nullable="false" foreignKeyName="fk_laboratory_ownership"
                             referencedTableName="ownership" referencedColumnNames="ownership_id"/>
            <column name="premises_file" type="type_file" remarks="Premises documentation"/>

For fields that must contain only unique values, add the <constraints> tag with the unique="true" attribute and an optional uniqueConstraintName attribute:

Example. Creating a table with a unique constraint
<changeSet id="table ownership" author="registry owner">
        <createTable tableName="ownership" ext:historyFlag="true" remarks="Ownership types directory">
            <column name="ownership_id" type="UUID" defaultValueComputed="uuid_generate_v4()">
                <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="pk_ownership_id"/>
            <column name="code" type="TEXT" remarks="Code">
                <constraints nullable="false"/>
            <column name="name" type="TEXT" remarks="Name">
                <constraints nullable="false" unique="true"/>

If multiple fields must form a unique value, add an <addUniqueConstraint> tag after the <createTable> tag, specifying the tableName and the combination of columnNames that must be unique.

Example. Creating a table with an <addUniqueConstraint> tag
<addUniqueConstraint tableName="laboratory" columnNames="name,edrpou"/>

The principle for creating other tables is similar to the example provided for the "Laboratory" table. The structure of parameters in the created tables is consistent across all tables in this task.

When modeling table or field names consisting of two or more words, use the "_" character between the words. Table and field names should contain only Latin alphabet letters. For example: staff_status.

There are restrictions on using certain identifiers or names for tables and fields. Some words are keywords in SQL and PostgreSQL standards and are not allowed for use.

Before assigning names to tables, refer to the list of SQL keywords here: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-keywords-appendix.html.

Example: a table named user may lead to unexpected results, as executing SELECT * FROM user will not query a table but instead refer to a Postgres object.

4.3. Creating the "Subject" table

4.3.1. Purpose of the registry.subject table

The registry.subject table is part of the physical data model for the Certified Laboratories Registry. Its structure is specific to this registry and is defined by the regulatory requirements. This table’s structure is not standardized across all registries—each project has its own tables tailored to its needs.

The registry.subject table stores data about subjects linked to registry objects, such as laboratories. It establishes the relationship between objects with the attribute ext:isObject="true" and the subjects to which those objects belong. If this table is not created or its name is incorrectly specified, errors will occur when foreign keys pointing to subject_id are created.

The registry.subject table is used here as an example for learning purposes. Data structures and regulations may vary for each registry.

4.3.2. Structure and table creation

Below is an example of the XML code for creating the registry.subject table:

<changeSet author="registry owner" id="table subject">
  <createTable tableName="subject" ext:historyFlag="true">
    <column name="subject_id" type="UUID">
      <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="pk_subject"/>
    <column name="subject_code" type="TEXT">
      <constraints nullable="false"/>
    <column name="subject_type" type="type_subject_type"/>
    <column name="subject_status" type="type_subject_status"/>
    <column name="subject_name" type="TEXT"/>

4.3.3. Table creation order

To avoid errors, the registry.subject table must be created before any other tables that use the subject_id field as a foreign key. For example, the laboratory table should only be created after the registry.subject table is successfully created. If this order is violated, an error will occur:

ERROR: relation "registry.subject" does not exist

Ensure the registry.subject table is created, i.e., add the corresponding changeSet, BEFORE creating the laboratory table.

4.3.4. Usage of ext:isObject and ext:classify attributes Using the attribute ext:isObject

If a table contains the ext:isObject="true" attribute, it will receive a subject_id field, which acts as a foreign key to the registry.subject table. This field will have the nullable="false" constraint, meaning it is required.

<createTable tableName="laboratory" ext:isObject="true">
  <column name="laboratory_id" type="UUID">
    <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="pk_laboratory_id"/>
  <column name="subject_id" type="UUID">
    <constraints nullable="false"

The ext:isObject="true" attribute ensures that the object in the table (for example, a laboratory) is linked to a subject through the subject_id foreign key. If the registry.subject table is not part of the regulation, avoid using this attribute to prevent deployment errors. Using the ext:classify tag

The ext:classify tag also automatically adds the isObject="true" attribute and creates a subject_id field referencing the registry.subject table. For example:

<createTable tableName="sample" ext:classify="private">
  <column name="sample_id" type="UUID">
    <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="pk_sample_id"/>

This code adds the subject_id field and sets up a foreign key to the registry.subject table. If the registry.subject table is not created, an error will occur.

4.3.5. Field definitions

  • subject_id — A unique identifier for the subject, in UUID format.

  • subject_code — The subject’s code.

  • subject_type — The type of subject, determined by a reference table.

  • subject_status — The subject’s status (e.g., active or inactive).

  • subject_name — The name of the subject.

4.3.6. Conclusions

  1. The registry.subject table is crucial for establishing links between objects and subjects.

  2. Using the ext:isObject and ext:classify attributes requires the presence of the registry.subject table. If this table is not needed, avoid using these attributes.

  3. The order in which tables are created is critical to prevent errors, especially when dealing with foreign keys.

  4. The structure of the registry.subject table in this example may differ in other registries depending on their specific requirements and regulations.

4.4. Creating the "KOATUU" table

Following the example from Creating the "Laboratory" Table, create a table called "KOATUU" (the columns are available in createTables.xml):

  1. At the end of the <databaseChangeLog> tag in the createTables.xml file, add a new <changeSet> tag defining the set of changes.

  2. Inside the <changeSet> tag, add a <createTable> tag with the name "KOATUU" (e.g., "koatuu").

  3. Add <column> tags for each column in the "KOATUU" table as defined in the Data model development plan.

  4. Inside the <constraints> tag, define the table’s primary key and all required fields.

4.5. Creating the "Ownership" table

Following the example from Creating the "Laboratory" Table, create a table called "Ownership":

  1. At the end of the <databaseChangeLog> tag in the createTables.xml file, add a new <changeSet> tag defining the set of changes.

  2. Inside the <changeSet> tag, add a <createTable> tag with the name "Ownership" (e.g., "ownership").

  3. Add <column> tags for each column in the "Ownership" table as defined in the Data model development plan.

  4. Inside the <constraints> tag, define the table’s primary key and all required fields.

4.6. Creating the "Staff Status" table

Following the example from Creating the "Laboratory" Table, create a table called "Staff Status":

  1. At the end of the <databaseChangeLog> tag in the createTables.xml file, add a new <changeSet> tag defining the set of changes.

  2. Inside the <changeSet> tag, add a <createTable> tag with the name "Staff Status" (e.g., "staff_status").

  3. Add <column> tags for each column in the "Staff Status" table as defined in the Data model development plan.

  4. Inside the <constraints> tag, define the table’s primary key and all required fields.

4.7. Creating the "Staff" table

Following the example from Creating the "Laboratory" Table, create a table called "Staff":

  1. At the end of the <databaseChangeLog> tag in the createTables.xml file, add a new <changeSet> tag defining the set of changes.

  2. Inside the <changeSet> tag, add a <createTable> tag with the name "Staff" (e.g., "staff").

  3. Add <column> tags for each column in the "Staff" table as defined in the Data model development plan.

  4. Inside the <constraints> tag, define the table’s primary key, all foreign keys, and all required fields.

4.8. Table deletion order

To delete a table, you cannot just remove the changeSet that created it.

Deletion is handled by adding a new changeSet to delete a specific table and its history table (the history table has the same name as the original but with the _hst suffix.

Example: The table table-name will have a history table called table-name_hst.

Example of deleting a table
<changeSet id="drop-table" author="author-name">
	<dropTable tableName="table-name"/>
Example of deleting a history table
<changeSet id="drop-table-hst" author="author-name">
	<dropTable tableName="table-name_hst"/>

Only after deleting the table and its history table can a new table with modified fields be created.

When deleting a table, make sure to account for all objects that depend on this table: analyticsViews, searchConditions, and tables with foreign keys to this table. First, delete all dependent components in the reverse order of their addition, and then delete the table and its history table.

The process of deleting a history table, analyticsViews, and searchConditions is similar to deleting tables. You can delete all dependent tables in one changeSet, ensuring the correct order.

Learn more about custom XML tags on the following pages:

Incorrect sequencing of changes to the data model regulations can result in errors during the data model build. One possible error is: "change sets check sum", indicating incorrect deletion or addition of tables.

If necessary, during regulation development, you can run the Cleanup and reload corrected .xml files to deploy the data model. This option is only available for the dev environment.

Never perform cleanup in the production environment, even if it’s technically possible!

5. Creating search conditions for integration with business process forms

Search Conditions are special objects used by forms and business processes to retrieve data sets from one or more registry tables.

At the database level, they are implemented through views, which are defined using SQL queries that access one or more tables.

To create search conditions, use the <ext:createSearchCondition> tag, developed as part of the Liquibase-based physical data modeling tool extension on the Registry Platform, as well as specific search condition attributes.

When naming search conditions consisting of two or more words, use an underscore ("_") between words.

Search condition names should only contain Latin alphabet letters. For example: search_condition_name_contains.

Developers can choose their preferred naming convention for search conditions.

To better identify them, consider using different naming conventions for tables and search conditions. For search conditions, you can add a prefix or suffix, such as sc. The key is to maintain consistency in naming across all search conditions, which will make it easier to identify the table and search condition by name.

Example of possible names:

  • For a table: ownership.

  • For a search condition: sc_ownership or ownership_sc.

Example. XML template using the tag to create a search condition in the database
<changeSet author="registry owner" id="SearchCondition">
    <ext:createSearchCondition name="SearchCondition" limit="1">
        <ext:table name="table_one" alias="to">
            <ext:column name="name" alias="to_name"/>
            <ext:column name="type" searchType="equal"/>
            <ext:function name="count" alias="cnt" columnName="uuid"/>
        <ext:table name="table_two" alias="tt">
            <ext:column name="name" alias="tt_name"/>
            <ext:column name="code" searchType="contains"/>
            <ext:function name="sum" alias="sm" columnName="code"/>
        <ext:join type="left">
            <ext:left alias="to">
                <ext:column name="name"/>
            <ext:right alias="tt">
                <ext:column name="name"/>
            <ext:condition tableAlias="to" columnName="type" operator="eq" value="'char'">
                <ext:condition logicOperator="or" tableAlias="to" columnName="type" operator="eq" value="'text'"/>
            <ext:condition logicOperator="and" tableAlias="tt" columnName="code" operator="similar" value="'{80}'"/>
  1. Create a separate file for search conditions, createSearchConditions.xml, using the same template as createTables.xml.

    Use the provided file createSearchConditions.xml as an example.
  2. Following the same approach as with tables, create the following search conditions in separate changeSets.

5.1. Search region in the "KOATUU" table

  • Used by the business process: Add Laboratory.

  • Search condition name: koatuu_obl_contains_name.

  • Search field: name, search type: contains.

  • Sorting by field: name, direction: asc.

Example. XML template for creating a search condition
<changeSet author="registry owner" id="searchCondition koatuu_obl_contains_name">
    <ext:createSearchCondition name="koatuu_obl_contains_name">
        <ext:table name="koatuu" alias="k">
            <ext:column name="koatuu_id"/>
            <ext:column name="code"/>
            <ext:column name="name" sorting="asc" searchType="contains"/>
            <ext:condition tableAlias="k" columnName="type" operator="eq" value="'О'"/>
Output SQL query based on the XML template
SELECT k.koatuu_id,
  FROM koatuu k
 WHERE k.type = 'О'::text
 ORDER BY k.name;

5.2. Search locality by name and region code in the "KOATUU" table

  • Used by the business process: Add Laboratory.

  • Search condition name: koatuu-np-starts-with-name-by-obl.

  • Search field: name, search type: startWith.

  • Search field: level1, search type: equal.

  • Sorting by field: name, direction: asc.

Example. XML template for creating a search condition
<changeSet author="registry owner" id="searchCondition koatuu_np_starts_with_name_by_obl">
    <ext:createSearchCondition name="koatuu_np_starts_with_name_by_obl" limit="100">
        <ext:table name="koatuu" alias="np">
            <ext:column name="koatuu_id"/>
            <ext:column name="name" searchType="startsWith" sorting="asc"/>
            <ext:column name="level1" searchType="equal"/>
        <ext:table name="koatuu" alias="rn">
            <ext:column name="name" alias="name_rn"/>
        <ext:join type="left">
            <ext:left alias="np">
                <ext:column name="level2"/>
            <ext:right alias="rn">
                <ext:column name="code"/>
            <ext:condition logicOperator="and" tableAlias="rn" columnName="type" operator="eq" value="'Р'"/>
        <ext:condition tableAlias="np" columnName="type" operator="eq" value="'НП'"/>
Output SQL query based on the XML template
SELECT np.koatuu_id,
       rn.name AS name_rn
  FROM koatuu np
         LEFT JOIN koatuu rn ON np.level2 = rn.code AND rn.type = 'Р'::text
 WHERE np.type = 'НП'::text
 ORDER BY np.name;

5.3. Search ownership type by name in the "Ownership" table

  • Used by the business process: Add Laboratory.

  • Search condition name: ownership-contains-name.

  • Search field: name, search type: contains.

  • Sorting by field: name, direction: asc.

Example. XML template for creating a search condition
<changeSet author="registry owner" id="searchCondition ownership_contains_name">
    <ext:createSearchCondition name="ownership_contains_name">
        <ext:table name="ownership" alias="o">
            <ext:column name="ownership_id"/>
            <ext:column name="code"/>
            <ext:column name="name" sorting="asc" searchType="contains"/>
Output SQL query based on the XML template
SELECT o.ownership_id,
  FROM ownership o
 ORDER BY o.name;

5.4. Search laboratories by name or EDRPOU code in the "Laboratory" table

5.4.1. Example of search condition #1

  • Used by the business process: Adding a Laboratory.

  • Search condition name: laboratory-equal-edrpou-name-count.

  • Search field: edrpou, search type: equal.

  • Search field: name, search type: equal.

Example. XML template for creating a search condition
<changeSet author="registry owner" id="searchCondition laboratory_equal_edrpou_name_count">
<comment>CREATE search condition laboratory_equal_edrpou_name_count</comment>
    <ext:createSearchCondition name="laboratory_equal_edrpou_name_count">
        <ext:table name="laboratory">
            <ext:function name="count" alias="cnt" columnName="laboratory_id"/>
            <ext:column name="edrpou" searchType="equal"/>
            <ext:column name="name" searchType="equal"/>
Output SQL query based on the XML template
SELECT laboratory.edrpou,
       count(laboratory.laboratory_id) AS cnt
  FROM laboratory
 GROUP BY laboratory.edrpou,

5.4.2. Example of search condition #2

  • Used by the business process: Adding Personnel to the Staff.

  • Search condition name: laboratory-start-with-edrpou-contains-name.

  • Search field: edrpou, search type: startsWith.

  • Search field: name, search type: contains.

Example. XML template for creating a search condition
<changeSet author="registry owner" id="searchCondition laboratory_start_with_edrpou_contains_name">
    <comment>CREATE search condition laboratory_start_with_edrpou_contains_name</comment>
    <ext:createSearchCondition name="laboratory_start_with_edrpou_contains_name">
        <ext:table name="laboratory">
            <ext:column name="laboratory_id"/>
            <ext:column name="edrpou" searchType="startsWith"/>
            <ext:column name="name" searchType="contains"/>
Output SQL query based on the XML template with READ ALL support
SELECT laboratory.laboratory_id,
  FROM laboratory
Output SQL query based on the XML template with SEARCH BY LIKE support
SELECT laboratory.laboratory_id,
  FROM laboratory
 WHERE laboratory.name LIKE '%name%' AND laboratory.edrpou LIKE 'edrpou%'

Input parameters: name, edrpou

5.5. Search staff by name in the "Staff Status" table

  • Used by the business process: Adding Personnel.

  • Search condition name: staff-status-contains-name.

  • Search field: name, search type: contains.

  • Sorting by field: name, direction: asc.

Example. XML template for creating a search condition
<changeSet author="registry owner" id="searchCondition staff_status_contains_name">
<comment>CREATE search condition staff_status_contains_name</comment>
    <ext:createSearchCondition name="staff_status_contains_name">
        <ext:table name="staff_status" alias="s">
            <ext:column name="staff_status_id"/>
            <ext:column name="name" sorting="asc" searchType="contains"/>
Output SQL query based on the XML template
SELECT s.staff_status_id,
  FROM staff_status s
 ORDER BY s.name;

6. Initial data load

To ensure proper population and operation of the registry, reference tables must be pre-populated with data. This data load should be performed before the registry goes live via a special database function call. The function can be invoked using the appropriate Liquibase tag – <sql>.

Example XML template with a change set for the initial data load
<property name="dataLoadPath" value="/tmp/data-load/"/>
<changeSet author="registry owner" id="load data to dictionaries">
    <sql dbms="postgresql" endDelimiter=";" splitStatements="true" stripComments="true">
        CALL p_load_table_from_csv('staff_status','${dataLoadPath}dict_status_spivrobitnyka.csv', array['code','name','constant_code'], array['name','constant_code']);
        CALL p_load_table_from_csv('ownership','${dataLoadPath}dict_formy_vlasnosti.csv', array['code','name']);

The following function example is only relevant within the framework of the Certified Laboratories Registry for the initial loading of the KOATUU directory.
It is not expected to use the KOATUU directory further when deploying the data model.


        CALL p_load_table_from_csv(
        , array['code','category','name']
        , array['code','category','name'
        ,'type::CASE WHEN code ~ ''[0-9]{2}0{8}'' AND code !~ ''(80|85)0{8}'' THEN ''О''
        WHEN code ~ ''[0-9]{2}2[0-9]{2}0{5}'' AND code !~ ''[0-9]{2}20{7}'' THEN ''Р''
        WHEN coalesce(category, ''Р'') != ''Р''
        OR code IN (SELECT DISTINCT substring(code,1,5)||''00000'' FROM koatuu_csv k2 WHERE category = ''Р'') AND category IS NULL
        OR code ~ ''(80|85)0{8}'' THEN ''НП''
        ELSE NULL END']
The CALL p_load_table_from_csv() function is used ONLY within the Certified Laboratories Registry for the initial KOATUU directory load. Further use of the KOATUU directory is not anticipated when deploying the data model.
Follow these steps to perform the initial data load:
  1. Create a populateDictionaries.xml file using the same template as createTables.xml.

    Use the provided file populateDictionaries.xml as an example.
  2. Add a separate <changeSet> tag with the set of changes.

  3. Inside the <changeSet> tag, add the <sql> tag with the attribute dbms="postgresql".

  4. Inside the <sql> tag, add function calls to p_load_table_from_csv() for each reference table.

    Example 1. Function input parameters
    CALL p_load_table_from_csv('research','${dataLoadPath}dict_typy_doslidzhen.csv', array['code','research_type'], array['research_type']);


    • 'staff_status' = 'p_table_name' — the name of the database table to which the data will be loaded;

    • ${dataLoadPath}dict_typy_doslidzhen.csv = 'p_file_name' — the full path to the data file.

    • array['code','name','constant_code'] = p_table_columns — an array listing the CSV file fields;

    • array['name','constant_code'] = p_target_table_columns — an array listing the target table fields for loading the data.

    Field names specified in the p_table_columns parameter may not match the names in the file — they may be used in the next parameter, p_target_table_columns, for data transformation.

    Field names in the p_target_table_columns parameter must correspond to the list in p_table_columns (if the table fields fully match the file fields, this parameter can be omitted).

After making changes to the data model in the Gerrit repository, all files from the data-model/data-load folder are copied to the /tmp/data-load folder on the database server. Therefore, the file path should look as follows: /tmp/data-load/<file_name>.csv, where:

  • <file_name> — the name of the .csv file containing the data (see the XML template example above).

As a result, we get 3 function calls that load data into reference tables from the following files:

Reference Table Data File

KOATUU (optional)


Ownership Type


Staff Status


7. Applying the developed model to the database

The platform uses the main-liquibase.xml file as the primary one for deploying the registry’s data model.

All change sets included in the main-liquibase.xml file will be applied to the database.

To include a change set from the files created in the previous steps, use the <include> tag with the file attribute, which specifies the path to the XML file. The working directory for Liquibase is the root folder of the Gerrit repository, so the file path should look like this: data-model/*.xml.

To apply the developed model, follow these steps:
  1. Create a main-liquibase.xml file using the same template as createTables.xml.

    Use the provided template main-liquibase.xml from the Gerrit repository as an example.
  2. Add the <include> tag for each file created in the previous stages, specifying the file path in the file attribute.

    Example of inserting a file in an XML template
    <include file="data-model/createTables.xml"/>

    Be sure to add a context for the initial data load.

    To correctly deploy your registry’s data model, you must specify the context="pub" attribute within the <include> tag. For example, if you want to include a file that contains procedures for populating reference tables with initial data — populateDictionaries.xml — in the data model deployment.

    Example 2. Adding the context="pub" context for populating tables with data
    <include file="data-model/populateDictionaries.xml" context="pub"/>

    The schema includes the <include> element, which references the external file "populateDictionaries.xml". The "pub" context indicates that the elements in this file will be used in the registry’s operational database.

  3. Place the XML files in the data-model folder of the Gerrit repository.

  4. Copy the data files to the data-model/data-load folder.

    You should have 8 files in total for deploying the data model and initially populating the database:

    5 files with XML templates:
    3 CSV files with reference data for an initial load:
  5. Apply changes to Gerrit following the instructions in Submitting changes to the remote repository in Gerrit.

  6. Go through the code review process for your commit (Code Review). If you do not have the necessary permissions, contact the responsible person.

  7. Wait for the Jenkins pipeline MASTER-Build-registry-regulations to complete.