Modeling business processes using the web editor

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1. Functional scenarios

  • Create new BPMN models of business processes.

  • Make changes to existing BPMN models of business processes.

  • View BPMN models of business processes.

  • View the XML code for representation of the BPMN models of business processes.

  • Using a catalog of typical extensions to simplify business process modeling.

2. Key requirements

  • Providing the administrator with a single web interface for modeling business processes without installing the special Camunda Modeler software on the local machine.

  • The web interface must provide the same functionalities as Camunda Modeler required to work with the BPMN business process models.

  • Web interface modeling must support localization.

  • Web interface modeling must support themes and styles for complete integration into the Registry regulations administration system interface.

  • Web interface modeling must support all the existing typical modeling catalog extensions developed as Element Templates.

  • Web interface modeling must generate the BPMN 2.0 XML code for representing the business process model compatible with the current _Camunda BPM_version.

3. Technology Stack

Technology / Library Version License Documentation Description


9.1.0 license

The bpmn-js library helps to interact with BPMN charts in a browser




The bpmn-js-properties-panel library makes it possible to edit the BPMN technical properties




The element-template-chooser library makes it possible to work with typical extensions of the modeling catalog developed as Element Templates




The camunda-bpmn-moddle library defines the Camunda namespace extensions for BPMN 2.0 XML

4. Support for the default Element Templates extensions

The bpmn-js library supports all existing typical extensions of the modeling catalog, developed as Element Templates, for this we use the bpmn-js-properties-panel, element-template-chooser and camunda-bpmn-moddle libraries. To use existing Element Templates, you must call the setTemplates function and pass an array containing the Element Templates argument.

const viewer = new BpmnModeler({...});

5. Support for themes and styles

The bpmn-js library provides the ability to select styles and supports theme selection, based on examples given in the documentation:

6. Localization support

The bpmn-js library provides for the localization option, based on the example given in the documentation.

So far, at this time it is not possible to localize the properties panel (right sidebar).