Updating registry digital signature keys and certificates

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When you deploy a registry instance, you must configure the digital signature key. After that, you can update key information as part of the registry editing. The configuration mechanism on the part of the administrator is the same both when initially adding and updating the key data.

To replace the digital key of the registry, follow the steps hereunder.

1. Editing key data

  1. Log in to Control Plane, the administrative control panel of the registries, using the previously received login and password.

    update cluster mgmt 01

  2. Go to the Registries section and select the corresponding registry in which you want to change the system key.

    change key 01

  3. Click the Edit button in the upper right corner.

    change key 02

  4. Go to the Key data section and make further settings.

    change key 03

2. Setting keys

You can configure two types of keys:

  • file key: stored in the user storage in the *.dat format.

  • hardware key: stored in the network cryptomodule and controlled by the corresponding software.

2.1. Setting the file keys

  1. Select Storage type — File-based key storage (default).

    change key 04

  2. Press the Select file button to add the new system key. In the new window, navigate to the folder where the key file in the *.dat format is stored, select it, and click Open.

    Accredited key certification centers (AKCC) are state-accredited organizations that provide digital signature services, secure key information carriers, or use the applicant’s carriers like USB flash drives. They play a vital role in maintaining the security and integrity of digital transactions and communications, ensuring the authenticity of digital signatures, and thus enabling secure and trustworthy electronic interactions.

    change key 05

  3. The following step is to enter the name of the Accredited key certification center (AKCC) in the AKCC that issued the key field. The name of the AKCC that issued the key can be found in the certificate of the key.

  4. Enter the password of the selected system key into the corresponding field.

    change key 06

  5. Enter the list of certificates from the appropriate key certification centers (.p7b). You can get your .p7b file on the site of your regional competent authority.

    When deploying and working with the test registry, use the certificates of the test AKCC, otherwise the registry deployment pipeline will not work, and you will receive the digital-signature-ops cryptoservice initialization error. This happens because the certificate files for the production environment simply do not contain data about the test AKCC.

    This functionality is specific to the Ukrainian implementation and may not apply or function as described in other contexts or regions. Please consult the local guidelines or documentation if you are implementing this outside Ukraine.

    For the prod environment, use the appropriate prod certificates.

    Add the certificate file by clicking the Select File button in the AKCC public certificates (.p7b extension) field. In the new window, navigate to the folder where the certificate file is stored, select it, and click Open.

    change key 14

  6. Add the parameters to interact with the compatible key certification centers (.json).

    When deploying and working with the test registry, use the certificates of the test AKCC, otherwise the registry deployment pipeline will not work, and you will receive the digital-signature-ops cryptoservice initialization error. This happens because the certificate files for the production environment simply do not contain data about the test AKCC.

    This functionality is specific to the Ukrainian implementation and may not apply or function as described in other contexts or regions. Please consult the local guidelines or documentation if you are implementing this outside Ukraine.

    For the prod environment, use the appropriate prod certificates.

    Add the certificate file by clicking the Select File button in the AKCC list (extension .json) field. In the new window, navigate to the folder where the file containing parameters is stored, select it, and click Open.

    change key 15

  7. Next, indicate the List of allowed keys whose signature can be considered true.

    This block specifies a list of keys, including the old ones (for example, when replacing keys), so that everything previously signed with the old key is verified (validated). That is, the list of allowed keys must contain the data history of all keys used in the system for signing.

    The list of allowed keys contains the following key data:

    • "Key issuer"

    • "Key serial number"

      change key 16

  8. Finally, check the entered information and click Confirm.

    change key 20

    As a result of updating the key data in the Control Plane interface, a new request is created to update the cluster-mgmt configuration, which must be confirmed.

2.2. Setting the hardware key

  1. Select Storage type — Hardware-based key storage.

    change key 21

  2. By default, the value of the Key type field is set to the cryptomod. IIT Hryada-301 value. IIT Hryada-301 is a hardware cryptomodule.

    This functionality is specific to the Ukrainian implementation and may not apply or function as described in other contexts or regions. Please consult the local guidelines or documentation if you are implementing this outside Ukraine.

    change key 22

  3. Enter the hardware key password into the corresponding field.

    The key password has the following structure ##User##Password.

    This functionality is specific to the Ukrainian implementation and may not apply or function as described in other contexts or regions. Please consult the local guidelines or documentation if you are implementing this outside Ukraine.

    change key 23

  4. Then, enter the name of your Accredited key certification center (AKCC) into the AKCC name field.

    For example, the AKCC’s name is in your key’s digital signature certificate.

    change key 28 01

  5. In the next step, enter the AKCC host parameter.

    change key 28

    You can find the value in the file of interaction parameters provided by your corresponding accredited key certification center (example: https://iit.com.ua/downloads).

    This functionality is specific to the Ukrainian implementation and may not apply or function as described in other contexts or regions. Please consult the local guidelines or documentation if you are implementing this outside Ukraine.

    change key 26

  6. Then, enter the AKCC port parameter.

    change key 29

    You can find the value in the file of interaction parameters provided by your corresponding accredited key certification center (example: https://iit.com.ua/downloads).

    This functionality is specific to the Ukrainian implementation and may not apply or function as described in other contexts or regions. Please consult the local guidelines or documentation if you are implementing this outside Ukraine.

    change key 27

  7. Enter the Device serial number (the hardware key serial number).

    change key 32

    This functionality is specific to the Ukrainian implementation and may not apply or function as described in other contexts or regions. Please consult the local guidelines or documentation if you are implementing this outside Ukraine.

    The following parameters are specified when creating and configuring a network cryptographic module.

    Configuring Ukrainian network cryptographic module IIT Hryada-301

    change key 31

    The device serial number is shown in the key name, for example:

    001:3016(, where

    • 001: serial device number.

    • 3016: key port.

    • key host.

    change key 30

  8. Enter Key port.

    change key 33

  9. Enter Key host (IP address).

    change key 34

  10. Enter Key mask.

    change key 35

    The default value is

  11. Based on all the previously entered parameters, the INI file will be automatically configured. Detailed information on its content and additional parameters is displayed in the corresponding INI configuration editable field.

    change key 36

  12. Next, add the list of certificates from the appropriate key certification centers (.p7b).

    You can get your .p7b file on the site of your regional competent authority.

    When deploying and working with the test registry, use the certificates of the test AKCC, otherwise the registry deployment pipeline will not work, and you will receive the digital-signature-ops cryptoservice initialization error. This happens because the certificate files for the production environment simply do not contain data about the test AKCC.

    This functionality is specific to the Ukrainian implementation and may not apply or function as described in other contexts or regions. Please consult the local guidelines or documentation if you are implementing this outside Ukraine.

    For the prod environment, use the appropriate prod certificates.

    Add the certificate file by clicking the Select File button in the AKCC public certificates (.p7b extension) field. In the new window, navigate to the folder where the certificate file is stored, select it, and click Open.

    change key 14

  13. Add the parameters to interact with the compatible key certification centers (.json).

    You can get your .json file from your corresponding local provider.

    When deploying and working with the test registry, use the certificates of the test AKCC, otherwise the registry deployment pipeline will not work, and you will receive the digital-signature-ops cryptoservice initialization error. This happens because the certificate files for the production environment simply do not contain data about the test AKCC.

    This functionality is specific to the Ukrainian implementation and may not apply or function as described in other contexts or regions. Please consult the local guidelines or documentation if you are implementing this outside Ukraine.

    For the prod environment, use the appropriate prod certificates.

    Add the certificate file by clicking the Select File button in the AKCC list (extension .json) field. In a new window, navigate to the folder where the file containing parameters is stored, select it, and click Open.

    change key 15

  14. Enter the List of allowed keys whose signature can be considered true.

    This block specifies a list of keys, including the old ones (for example, when replacing keys), so that everything previously signed with the old key is verified (validated). That is, the list of allowed keys must contain the data history of all keys used in the system for signing.

    The list of allowed keys contains the following key data:

    • "Key issuer"

    • "Key serial number"

    change key 16

  15. Finally, check the entered information and click Confirm.

    change key 37

    As a result of updating the key data on the Control Plane interface, a new request is created to update the registry configuration that you need to confirm.

3. Confirming changes and applying configuration

Platform keys are updated by changing the configuration of the Digital signature service.

3.1. Digital signature key configuration algorithm

The general configuration algorithm is as follows for Platform and registry keys:
  • The administrator edits the Platform or registry’s digital signature keys in the Control Plane administrative interface.

  • The Control Plane web interface stores changes made by the administrator to the HashiCorp Vault service of the Secret and encryption management subsystem or to the Gerrit service of the Platform and registries deployment and configuration subsystem.

  • The Control Plane web interface displays the path to values and files in the corresponding values.yaml configurations.

  • The pipeline takes the required data from HashiCorp Vault or Gerrit and creates the necessary secrets in OpenShift.

Below is the diagram for updating the Platform and registry’s keys and the configuration of the digital signature service.

Figure 1. Updating platform and registry keys and digital signature service configuration

3.2. Configuration and secret creation parameters

The Control Plane administration panel stores the following data in the vault for the Digital signatures service (DSS):

  • AKCC list

  • KeySecretData

  • CASecretData

  • AllowedKeysSecretData

  • osplm.ini

  • Data of the DSS environment variables

The path to the engine for the Platform keys looks as follows:


Parameters and paths are added to the deploy-templates/values.yaml registry configuration.

Example 1. Configuration of the registry’s values.yaml for updating data about a file key
    CACertificates: <path to vault>
    CAs: <path to vault>
    Key-6-dat: <path to vault>
    allowed-keys-yml: <path to vault>
    osplm.ini: ""
    sign.key.device-type: file
    sign.key.file.issuer: <path to vault>
    sign.key.file.password: <path to vault>
    sign.key.hardware.device: ""
    sign.key.hardware.password: ""
    sign.key.hardware.type: ""
Example 2. Configuration of the registry’s values.yaml for updating data about a hardware key
    CACertificates: <path to vault>
    CAs: <path to vault>
    Key-6-dat: ""
    allowed-keys-yml: <path to vault>
    osplm.ini: <path to vault>
    sign.key.device-type: hardware
    sign.key.file.issuer: ""
    sign.key.file.password: ""
    sign.key.hardware.device: <path to vault>
    sign.key.hardware.password: <path to vault>
    sign.key.hardware.type: <path to vault>

The MASTER-Build-<registry-name> pipeline creates secrets for digital-signature-env-vars and *digital-signature-data and stores them in OpenShift.

  • The Control Plane administrative panel overwrites the data in Vault when updating the key data.

  • The pipeline recreates secrets when updating the key data. Therefore, it is idempotent.

The pipeline creates the following secrets based on values.yaml: configuration
Example 3. Secrets for a file key
    osplm.ini -- empty
    sign.key.hardware.device -- empty
    sign.key.hardware.password -- empty
    sign.key.hardware.type -- empty
Example 4. Secrets for a hardware key
    Key-6.dat -- empty
    osplm.ini -- generated from a template
    sign.key.file.issuer -- empty
    sign.key.file.password -- empty

3.3. Confirming changes and launching the pipeline

As a result of updating the key data on the Control Plane interface, a new request is created to update the registry configuration, which you have to confirm.

  1. In the Control Plane admin panel interface, return to the Platform management section, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and find the Update Requests section.

    cp submit mr 1

  2. Open the generated request by clicking the view icon: 👁.

    The suggested changes are made to the deploy-templates/values.yaml file configuration when confirmed.
  3. In the new window, compare 2 versions of the changes, ensuring the data you entered is correct, and click Confirm.

    change key 38
    Figure 2. Applying data about a file key to the values.yaml configuration
    change key 39
    Figure 3. Applying data about a hardware key to the values.yaml configuration

    cp submit mr 3

    As a result, the request becomes Confirmed and the changes take effect.

    cp submit mr 4

    Next, the MASTER-Build-<registry-name> pipeline automatically starts, which applies the parameters of the specified configuration and creates secrets for the digital signature keys.

  4. Wait while the code is compiled. This may take about 15 minutes, but this time depends on the configuration of a particular registry.

    You can check the current status and the result of the execution using the CI link on the interface.

    cp id gov ua iit setup 6

    cp id gov ua iit setup 7

    cp id gov ua iit setup 8