Working with electronic seal

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1. Main scenarios

1.1. Signing data using the system’s electronic signature (electronic seal)

Sequence diagram of putting the system signature:


It calculates the hash value for the data transmitted to the service using the corresponding hash function and puts the electronic seal of the organization with a time stamp on the resulting hash. It also adds the electronic signature certificate to the signature.


POST /api/eseal/sign --header 'X-Access-Token: token'

Request body:

  "data": "string"


  • 200 OK: Document signed

Response body:

  "signature": "string"
  • 400 Bad request: Invalid request

Request body:

    "code": "string",
    "message": "string",
    "localizedMessage": "string"

1.2. Validating the system’s electronic seal and data

Sequence diagram of the system signature verification:


The chain of validation checks is implemented in the following classes:


The service validates the following:

  • EDS is valid.

  • EDS contains the time stamp.

  • Data integrity is not compromised (the hash value from the signature corresponds to the hash calculated by the service based on the data received).

  • The document was signed using the system key (issuer and serial attributes from EDS are in the list of allowed system electronic seals).


POST /api/eseal/verify --header 'X-Access-Token: token'

Request body:

        "signature": "string",
        "data": "string"


  • 200 OK: Seal is valid

Response body:

    "isValid": true,
    "error": null
  • 200 OK: Seal validation error

Response body:

    "isValid": false,
    "error": {
        "code": "ERROR_UNKNOWN_ESEAL",
        "message": "Signature key is not allowed",
        "localizedMessage": "Печатка не авторизована для накладання підпису"
  • 400 Bad request: Invalid request

Respones body:

    "code": "string",
    "message": "string",
    "localizedMessage": "string"