Visualizing a request state in Kibana during registry operation

On this page:

1. View

This dashboard provides an overview on registry operation, including external requests execution states, among others. It contains the following visualizations:

Requests to API Gateway:

Shows the general number of external HTTP-requests received by the registry.

Errors in Rest API data factory :

Shows the number of errors that appeared during the processing of requests to Rest API data factory.

Using e-Signature in the registry :

Shows the general number of operations conducted in the cryptoservice, with sorting by type and status.

Requests to registry microservices :

Shows the general number of requests to the registry microservices, with sorting by HTTP-code of the response.

dashboard 1
Figure 1. Requests to the API Gateway, errors in Rest API data factory, and using e-Signature in the registry
dashboard 2
Figure 2. Requests to registry microservices

2. Configuration

To set up this dashboard, take the following steps:

  1. Download the request-dashboard.json file.

  2. Change all the YOUR_REGISTRY_NAME placeholders (there are 5) in the file to the required registry name in your preferred text editor.

    file prep 1

    file prep 2

    file prep 3

  3. Create 2 index pattern via Kibana web-interface: app-* and app-<REGISTRY-NAME>-*.

    <REGISTRY-NAME> — name of your registry. For example, app-test-registry-*.

    index pattern 1

    index pattern 2

  4. Import the prepared file (see step 2) via Kibana web-interface.

    import dashboard 1

    import dashboard 2

    Select the corresponding index pattern for the visualization during the import (app-REGISTRY-NAME-*).

    import dashboard 3

  5. Configure the dynamic filter.

    For the correct operation of the Filter for microservices , update the indexPattern ID:

    • Open the API Gateway requests visualization.

      filter setup 1

    • Copy the value of index parameter in the kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON section.

      filter setup 2

    • Open the Filter for microservices visualization. and change the value in visState section of the params.controls[0].indexPattern to the value from the previous point.

      Default indexPattern value: APP-*_INDEX_ID.

      filter setup 3

      filter setup 4

      filter setup 5

  6. Press Save visualization Object.

  7. In the Dashboard > Requests state section you can view the states of requests, during registry operation.

    final result 1