Platform conceptual architecture

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1. General context

This contextual diagram shows the Platform for state registries in the ecosystem of the interfaced national information systems, and categories of users interacting with the system.

For interoperability purposes, the Platform for state registries supports two main options for configuring data exchange:

  • Using the Trembita safe exchange bus as a protected transport.

  • Setting up direct integrations based on the REST and SOAP interaction protocols for the systems that are not participants of data exchange under Trembita SEI SEIR.

For integration purposes, the external systems can be both existing information systems and the registers deployed on the individual instances of the Platform for state registries.

ddm platform context

You can learn more about the technical design of the Platform for state registries in Platform logical architecture.

2. Platform users

The main users of the Platform for state registries can be divided into the following categories depending on the scenarios of their interaction with the system and access rights:

  • Unauthorized users: The users with access only to public data and the authentication page.

  • Citizens: Natural persons or legal entities who passed authentication and self-registration in the register to have access to electronic services.

  • Officers: Official representatives of government bodies providing services under their official duties, or the entities registered as service providers (depending on the requirements of an individual register).

  • Developers of the Registry Regulations: The users responsible for the Lowcode development of the Digital registry regulations

  • Support Service (L2): The users responsible for monitoring of the system’s technical metrics, incident response.

  • Service administrators: A category of users responsible for maintaining and configuring registry instances.

  • Infrastructure administrators: A category of users responsible for the installation and maintenance of the Platform for state registries.

You can find out more about the user categories of the Platform for state registries in Platform actors and roles.

3. Interaction with external systems

3.1. Accredited Key Certification Center (AKCC)

The Platform for state registries interacts with Accredited Key Certification Centers for obtaining lists of revoked certificates, receiving a chain of user certificates and checking their status, forming a time stamp, etc.

You can learn more about the design of the integrated subsystems in the relevant sections:

3.2. Digital identification service (

This functionality is specific to the Ukrainian implementation and may not apply or function as described in other contexts or regions. Please consult the local guidelines or documentation if you are implementing this outside Ukraine.

The Platform for state registries allows authentication of citizens and officers — the registry service users — using the Integrated Electronic Identification System (IEIS).

3.3. Trembita SEI SEIR

This functionality is specific to the Ukrainian implementation and may not apply or function as described in other contexts or regions. Please consult the local guidelines or documentation if you are implementing this outside Ukraine.

The Platform for state registries is integrated into the Trembita System of Electronic Interaction of State Electronic Information Resources (SEI SEIR) to ensure secure data exchange with the state registers and other information systems.

You can learn more about the design of the integrated subsystems in the relevant sections:

3.4. Diia services (

This functionality is specific to the Ukrainian implementation and may not apply or function as described in other contexts or regions. Please consult the local guidelines or documentation if you are implementing this outside Ukraine.

The Platform for state registries is integrated with the ecosystem of digital public services Diia to improve and ensure the integrity of the end-users' experience when receiving public services.

3.5. External mapping services

The Platform for state registries uses external cartographic services to download geospatial data, layers, and geocoding to provide the ability to enter, search and display the register subjects that are connected to an area.

You can learn more about the design of the integrated subsystems in the relevant sections:

3.6. External systems

The Platform for state registries supports external integrations via Trembita SEG, or direct integrations according to the requirements of the target registers and the level of interoperability of external systems.

You can learn more about the design of the integrated subsystems in the relevant sections: