Registry operational zone
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1. General overview
The Registry operational zone is a collection of subsystems that ensure the servicing of Registry end-users (Officers and Citizens) and integration with external systems in accordance with the developed digital regulations.
For a more detailed overview of the registry’s functional capabilities, please refer to the relevant sections: |
2. Technical design of the Registry operational zone
This diagram depicts the subsystems that constitute the Registry operational zone and their interactions within the framework of implementing functional scenarios.
3. Registry operational zone subsystems
Subsystem name | Service name |
portals |
ext-api-management |
bpms |
registry-management |
reporting |
external-integrations |
ext-systems-simulation |
excerpts |
notifications |
geo |
audit |
user-settings |
digital-signatures |
secret-management |
messaging |
relational-data-storage |
nonrelational-data-storage |