Check excerpt status delegate

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Table 1. A brief overview of the delegate
Name Description

The business name of the integration extension

Check excerpt status

The internal name of the integration extension


The file name in the extension library


1. General overview

Check excerpt status extension — is a specialized delegate for calling a subprocess to check the status of an excerpt, configured using the developed Check excerpt status template, Check excerpt status (checkExcerptStatusCallActivity.json).

Before configuring the template in Camunda Modeler, make sure that the resourceselement-templates folder in the application contains the checkExcerptStatusCallActivity.json. file.
For more information about the features of using the delegate in a business process, see the following page here.

2. Configuring the template

  1. Create Call Activity.

    element temp call activity 1

  1. On the settings panel on the right, click the Open Catalog button, select the appropriate Check excerpt status template from the list, and click Apply to confirm.

    element temp call activity 2

    element temp call activity check excerpt status 1

  2. Perform further customization as follows:

  • In the Name field, enter the name of the task (for example, call-activity-task).

  • In the Input excerpt identifier field, specify the ID of the excerpt that needs to be passed to the calling business process (for example, ${excerptIdentifier}).

  • In the Output variable name field, specify the name of the variable to which the excerpt status obtained as a result of performing the called subprocess should be saved (for example, excerptStatusOutput).

    If the called subprocess produces some output data (in this case — the status of an excerpt), it will write this data to the specified variable. If you need to use the obtained data in the main process, you should refer to the variable where this data is stored.

    element temp call activity check excerpt status 2

All other attributes, such as Called Element, CallActivity Type, etc. that are required for manual configuration of the Call Activity, without using the template, are automatically defined under the hood.