Generating excerpts

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2. Data structures

2.1. Database structures

excerpt_template — a table populated with excerpt templates during regulations deployment, where the template body is updated in case of name matches and checksum mismatches.
excerpt_record — a table containing records of excerpt generation and status.


2.2. Database users

excerpt_service_user — authorized to create records in the excerpt_record table.
excerpt_worker_user — authorized for updating and querying records in the excerpt_record table.

3. Services

3.1. Excerpt Service

Provides interfaces and has three main endpoints for interaction:

Accessible from business processes:

  • Creation a record for excerpt generation

  • Performing excerpt status check

Accessible externally through Kong

  • Retrieval of an excerpt by identifier

3.2. Excerpt Worker

A Java application ensuring Exactly-Once event processing for excerpt generation and storing them in the Ceph bucket.