createTable extension
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1. General description
The createTable
tag required for creating tables in the DB is standard for Liquibase, but in liquibase-ddm-ext, Platform-specific parameters processing is added.
2. Liquibase scheme
It is stored in one scheme with other standard Liquibase tags, in the official documentation (currently, version 4.15 is used)
liquibase-ddm-ext-specific attributes:
<xsd:attribute name="historyFlag" type="xsd:boolean"/>
<xsd:attribute name="readMode" type="readType" default="sync"/>
<xsd:attribute name="distribution" type="distributionType" default="local"/>
<xsd:attribute name="classify" type="classifyType"/>
<xsd:attribute name="autoGenerate" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="bulkLoad" type="xsd:boolean"/>
3. Usage example
<changeSet id="table pd_processing_consent" author="registry owner">
<comment>CREATE TABLE pd_processing_consent</comment>
<ext:createTable tableName="pd_processing_consent" ext:historyFlag="true" ext:bulkLoad="true">
<column name="consent_id" type="UUID">
<constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="pk_pd_processing_consent"/>
<column name="consent_date" type="TIMESTAMPTZ">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="person_gender" type="type_gender">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="person_full_name" type="TEXT">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="person_pass_number" type="TEXT">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="auto_generated_number" type="TEXT" ext:autoGenerate="АА-{DDMMYYYY}-{SEQ}">
<constraints nullable="false" unique="true"/>
4. Parameters description
Parameter name |
Allowed values |
Description |
historyFlag |
true |
for the selected table, this parameter creates a corresponding historical table with _hst suffix, where all table changes are logged |
bulkLoad |
true/false |
defines if the endpoint, which allows for the transactional storing of several entities in one request, will be generated for the modification of generated services API |
readMode |
sync/async |
for the modification of generated services API, defines how the data reading will be performed, synchronously or asynchronously (sync - on the registry-rest_api level, async - via rest-api→ registry-kafka-api → rest-api) |
isObject |
true/false |
defines a table as an object (connection with the subject table is added) |
Attribute name |
Allowed values |
Description |
classify |
private/confidential |
classifies data in a column as personal |
autoGenerate |
A pattern for the value generation in a column (for example, АА-{dd-MM-yyyy}-{SEQ}) |
for the generation of unique values in the column with a defined pattern |
5. Generated requests to the DB
Requests, generated for the table from the example
CREATE TABLE registry.pd_processing_consent_hst (consent_id UUID NOT NULL, consent_date TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, person_gender TYPE_GENDER NOT NULL, person_full_name TEXT NOT NULL, person_pass_number TEXT NOT NULL, auto_generated_number TEXT NOT NULL, ddm_created_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NOW() NOT NULL, ddm_created_by TEXT NOT NULL, ddm_dml_op CHAR(1) NOT NULL, ddm_system_id UUID NOT NULL, ddm_application_id UUID NOT NULL, ddm_business_process_id UUID, ddm_business_process_definition_id TEXT, ddm_business_process_instance_id TEXT, ddm_business_activity TEXT, ddm_business_activity_instance_id TEXT, ddm_digital_sign TEXT, ddm_digital_sign_derived TEXT, ddm_digital_sign_checksum TEXT, ddm_digital_sign_derived_checksum TEXT, CONSTRAINT pk_pd_processing_consent PRIMARY KEY (consent_id), CONSTRAINT ui_pd_processing_consent_hst UNIQUE (consent_id, ddm_created_at));
ALTER TABLE registry.pd_processing_consent_hst DROP CONSTRAINT pk_pd_processing_consent;
GRANT SELECT ON pd_processing_consent_hst TO application_role;
CREATE TABLE registry.pd_processing_consent (consent_id UUID NOT NULL, consent_date TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, person_gender TYPE_GENDER NOT NULL, person_full_name TEXT NOT NULL, person_pass_number TEXT NOT NULL, auto_generated_number TEXT NOT NULL, ddm_created_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NOW() NOT NULL, ddm_created_by TEXT NOT NULL, ddm_updated_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NOW() NOT NULL, ddm_updated_by TEXT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT pk_pd_processing_consent PRIMARY KEY (consent_id), UNIQUE (auto_generated_number));
GRANT SELECT ON pd_processing_consent TO application_role;
CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS pd_processing_consent_auto_generated_number_seq INCREMENT BY 1 OWNED BY pd_processing_consent.auto_generated_number;
GRANT USAGE ON SEQUENCE pd_processing_consent_auto_generated_number_seq TO application_role;
insert into ddm_liquibase_metadata(change_type, change_name, attribute_name, attribute_value) values ('autoGenerate', 'pd_processing_consent', 'auto_generated_number', 'АА-{DDMMYYYY}-{SEQ}');
insert into ddm_liquibase_metadata(change_type, change_name, attribute_name, attribute_value) values ('bulkLoad', 'pd_processing_consent', 'bulkLoad', 'true');
INSERT INTO public.ddm_db_changelog (ID, AUTHOR, FILENAME, DATEEXECUTED, ORDEREXECUTED, MD5SUM, DESCRIPTION, COMMENTS, EXECTYPE, CONTEXTS, LABELS, LIQUIBASE, DEPLOYMENT_ID) VALUES ('table pd_processing_consent', 'registry owner', 'main-liquibase.xml', NOW(), 55, '8:1d833a79f2d827609a61ac1df5354bd4', 'createTable tableName=pd_processing_consent', 'CREATE TABLE pd_processing_consent', 'EXECUTED', NULL, NULL, '4.5.0', '7604867906');