GIS module

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1. General requirements

  • Display maps and satellite images supported by third-party systems in citizen/officer portals, with the ability to switch between them, and change display scale.

  • Display Registry objects that are bound to specific areas on the map — layers.

  • Display multiple layers on the map.

  • Search for Registry objects by attributes on the map .

  • Ability to select point coordinates, plotting lines or polygons by drawing them on the map in a Business Process.

  • Geocoding — search for coordinates on the map by public address or object name.

  • Reverse geocoding — search for public address or object name on the map by coordinates.

3. Components

3.1. component (LeafletJs) component is based on the LeafletJs library, where all the GIS module aspects are integrated.

3.2. GeoServer

Open source server that allows for the receiving of data from DB in GeoJSON form.

  • GeoJSON — data format that can be interpreted by LeafletJS and displayed on the map

  • Feature — інформація про об’єкт точку

  • Layer — raster or vector data set, represented by a collection of geographical objects.

3.3. GeoServer Publisher

Command line application that performs automatic configuration of the GeoServer by executing calls to the GeoServer administrative API.

3.4. Nominatim

Planned for version 1.8 release

4. Deployment

gis deployment

GIS module is a part of a dedicated Registry template. In case of Registry deployment from such a template, GeoServer and Nominatim will be installed.
GeoServer configuration and layer publication is performed during regulations deployment.

5. Configuration

The GIS module is configured via the creation of a connection to the DB, and the publication of structures that include geometry type as layers in the GeoServer. The configuration is performed on the regulations deployment stage, on the publish-geoserver-configuration step of the main registry-regulations pipeline.