Hierarchical model

1. Overview

The Platform for state registries enables you to build a hierarchical model where access to data objects corresponds to the hierarchy structure levels and user roles. This way, you can control access to objects based on their hierarchical position and the user’s role.

In the hierarchical model, each unit has a unique code (structure_code) that identifies it within the system. In addition, the system uses a surrogate key (hierarchy_code), which is formed by concatenating the unit code and the code of each parent level in the hierarchy. For example, 101.202.303 is a surrogate key for accessing the objects of the third-level subdivision in the hierarchy.

The hierarchy_code attribute in the Keycloak user management system determines the user’s affiliation with a hierarchy node. This attribute must match the unit’s surrogate key in the registry database. This way, you can correctly assign roles and restrict user access to the corresponding hierarchy levels.

It is important to note that hierarchy_code is a mandatory attribute for officers in the Keycloak system if such a person is to perform functions within the hierarchical structure. This allows you to determine each officer’s affiliation and access restrictions accurately.

You can assign the hierarchy attribute to users directly in the Keycloak service interface or by importing data from a CSV file.

The following roles are provided to make working within the hierarchical structure and managing personnel using this model more effective:

  • hierarchy-registry-manager: Registry manager; an officer responsible for managing the hierarchical structure of the registry.

  • hierarchy-registry-user: Registry user; an officer who has access to the hierarchical structure and can perform tasks within their authority.

  • personnel-officer-admin: Personnel officer; an officer responsible for personnel management, including appointing and updating roles of other officers.

  • officer-moderator: Moderator; an officer who moderates the process of officers' auto-registration in the registry. A moderator is responsible for checking and approving registration requests from new users.

These roles are meant to help you control the hierarchical structure of your registry, manage personnel, and ensure proper organization and data access.

2. Action plan for using a hierarchical model in the registry

Use the following roadmap to set up and use the hierarchical model in the registry:

  • Use reference examples of regulations modeling. Deploy your copy of the registry demo.

    • For details on deploying a registry demo and getting regulations modeling samples, see Deploying demo registry with reference examples.

    • Samples of the reference data model, business processes, and UI forms are available in the regulations files with a reference- prefix or in the reference folders if there are several grouped modeling examples.

3. Building the hierarchy structure

  1. Plan and create a hierarchical structure consisting of several levels and nodes. Let’s call them units.

  2. Assign a unique hierarchy code (structure_code) to each unit.

    A reference example of a hierarchical structure
    Table 1. Matching structure_code with hierarchy_code
    Unit name Unit code (structure_code) Surrogate key (hierarchy_code) Note

    Ministry of Economy of Ukraine



    Hierarchy root node

    Department of Trade Agreements and Export Development



    Division of Public Policy in the field of Public Material Reserve



    Department of Labor and Employment



    Department of Labor



    Department of Industry and High-Risk Facilities Supervision



    Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine



    Hierarchy root node

    State Center of Informational Resources of Ukraine



    State Enterprise "Diia"



    Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine



    Hierarchy root node

    National Police of Ukraine



    State Border Guard Service of Ukraine



    State Migration Service of Ukraine



    Office for Management of Places of Temporary Accommodation of Foreigners



    Office for Management of Places of Temporary Accommodation of Refugees



    State Emergency Service of Ukraine



    Ministry of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine



    Hierarchy root node

    State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine



    State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine



    State Aviation Administration of Ukraine



    State Service for Maritime, Inland Waterway Transport and Shipping of Ukraine



    State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety



    State Agency for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine



    Department of Restoration of Infrastructure of Ukraine



    Department of Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine



    Office of Infrastructure Development of Ukraine



4. Building the data model

  1. Plan and create a logical data model for your hierarchical structure. As an example, consider the following table structure:

    An ERD diagram of the logical model based on the reference structure
    Figure 1. An ERD diagram of the logical model based on the reference structure
    Notes on the table structure of the reference hierarchical model
    • The officers table contains information about officers, their roles, identification data, and affiliation with specific units:

      • officers_id: A unique officer ID (UUID type).

      • user_name: User’s name in Keycloak (TEXT type).

      • full_name: User’s full name (TEXT type).

      • drfo: User’s RNOKPP code (TEXT type).

      • edrpou: User’s EDRPOU code (TEXT type).

      • realm_roles: A list of user’s regulations roles (TEXT type).

      • work_start_date: Work start date (DATE type).

      • unit_name: Unit’s name in the hierarchy (TEXT type).

      • hierarchy_code: A surrogate key based on structure_code using concatenation (TEXT type).

      • structure_code: A unique hierarchy code of a corresponding unit (TEXT type).

      • selfregistration_decision: Moderator’s decision on self-registration (BOOLEAN type).

    • The unit table contains information about units:

      • id: A unique unit ID (UUID type).

      • unit_name: Unit’s name in the hierarchy (VARCHAR(255) type).

      • structure_code: A unique hierarchy code of a corresponding unit (VARCHAR(255) type).

      • hierarchy_code: A surrogate key based on structure_code (VARCHAR(255) type).

    • The document_registration table contains information about the documents associated with a specific unit:

      • id: A unique document ID (UUID type).

      • name: Document name (TEXT type).

      • unit_id: The ID of the unit to which the document belongs. This corresponds to the ID in the unit table (UUID type).

    Note that all UUID fields use the uuid_generate_v4() function to generate unique default values.

  2. Create a physical data model based on your logical model.

    Example 1. A physical data model for the hierarchical structure of units in the registry
    The "officers" table
    <changeSet author="registry owner" id="table officers">
        <createTable tableName="officers" ext:historyFlag="true" remarks="A list of officers">
            <column name="officers_id" type="UUID" defaultValueComputed="uuid_generate_v4()">
                <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="pk_officers_id"/>
            <column name="user_name" type="TEXT" remarks="Keycloak username">
                <constraints nullable="false"/>
            <column name="full_name" type="TEXT" remarks="User's full name">
                <constraints nullable="false"/>
            <column name="drfo" type="TEXT" remarks="User's RNOKPP code">
                <constraints nullable="false"/>
            <column name="edrpou" type="TEXT" remarks="User's EDRPOU code">
                <constraints nullable="false"/>
            <column name="realm_roles" type="TEXT" remarks="A list of user's regulations roles"/>
            <column name="work_start_date" type="DATE" remarks="Work start date"/>
            <column name="unit_name" type="TEXT" remarks="Unit's name in the hierarchy"/>
            <column name="hierarchy_code" type="TEXT" remarks="A surrogate key based on structure_code"/>
            <column name="structure_code" type="TEXT" remarks="A unique hierarchy code of a corresponding unit"/>
            <column name="selfregistration_decision" type="BOOLEAN" remarks="Moderator's decision on self-registration"/>
    The "unit" table
    <changeSet id="24569-1" author="ek">
        <comment>CREATE TABLE unit</comment>
        <createTable tableName="unit" ext:historyFlag="true">
          <column name="id" type="UUID" defaultValueComputed="uuid_generate_v4()">
          <column name="unit_name" type="VARCHAR(255)" remarks="Unit's name in the hierarchy">
            <constraints nullable="false"/>
          <column name="structure_code" type="VARCHAR(255)"
            remarks="A hierarchy code of a corresponding unit">
          <column name="hierarchy_code" type="VARCHAR(255)"
            remarks="A surrogate key based on structure_code">
    The "document_registration" table
    <changeSet id="24569-2" author="ek">
        <comment>CREATE TABLE document_registration</comment>
        <createTable tableName="document_registration" ext:historyFlag="true">
          <column name="id" type="UUID" defaultValueComputed="uuid_generate_v4()">
          <column name="name" type="TEXT" remarks="Document name">
            <constraints nullable="false"/>
          <column name="unit_id" type="UUID">
    • When creating a new structure, you can create the table with the organizational structure when deploying the regulations, but at least one parent node in the hierarchy must be created.

    • When an application is created, a hierarchy code with a surrogate key of the BP initiator is automatically added to it.

5. Creating RLS rules for data access

RLS (Row-Level Security) rules are used to control access to data rows in the database. In our hierarchical model, RLS rules restrict user access to data objects depending on the hierarchy level these objects belong to.

Each RLS rule checks the value of the hierarchy_code attribute in the user’s JWT (JSON Web Token) and compares it to the values of the hierarchy_code column in a specific database table. If the values match, the user can access the corresponding data objects.

You can set rules for tables or table views (search conditions).

You can use different types of RLS rules to control table access based on the value of the hierarchy_code JWT attribute and the hierarchy_code column.

Configure changeSets to add rules after the appropriate tables or search conditions to which the rules should be applied.

As an example, let’s apply RLS rules to a test table.

Example 2. The "test_table" table
<changeSet id="create_table_test_table" author="author_name">
  <comment>CREATE table test_table</comment>
  <ext:createTable tableName="test_table" ext:historyFlag="true">
    <ext:column name="id" type="int"/>
    <ext:column name="name" type="varchar(255)"/>
    <ext:column name="hierarchy_code" type="varchar(255)"/>
Example 3. RLS rules for controlling access to the "test_table" based on the value of the "hierarchy_code" JWT attribute and the "hierarchy_code" column
<ext:addWriteRule>: A rule to add write permissions.
<changeSet id="test_table_rls1" author="registry owner">
  <ext:rls name="write_rls1">
<ext:removeWriteRule>: A rule to remove the write rule.
<changeSet id="test_table_rls2" author="registry owner">
  <ext:rls name="write_rls1">
    <ext:removeWriteRule name="writeRule1"/>
<ext:addReadRule>: A rule to add read permissions.
<changeSet id="test_table_rls3" author="registry owner">
  <ext:rls name="read_rls1">
<ext:removeReadRule>: A rule to remove the read rule.
<changeSet id="test_table_rls4" author="registry owner">
  <ext:rls name="read_rls1">
    <ext:removeReadRule name="readRule1"/>
  • Rules are applied to the test_table.

  • The hierarchy_code JWT attribute from the user’s token is used.

  • The value of the hierarchy_code column in the test_table is checked for a match with the value of the hierarchy_code JWT attribute.

  • The user only gets access to objects that correspond to their hierarchy level. The deletion rule cancels this access.

Let’s see how this works according to our reference hierarchy structure using specific search condition examples.

Example 4. The "find_all_units" search condition for interacting with the data factory within the business process
The "find_all_units" search condition
<changeSet id="24569-3" author="ek">
  <comment>CREATE search condition find-all-units</comment>
  <ext:createSearchCondition name="find_all_units" limit="all">
    <ext:table name="unit" alias="u">
      <ext:column name="id"/>
      <ext:column name="unit_name"/>
      <ext:column name="structure_code" searchType="notEqual"/>
      <ext:column name="hierarchy_code" searchType="startsWith" sorting="asc"/>

The find_all_units search condition searches the unit table using specific criteria. Here are the main properties of this search condition:

  • Table: unit (alias: u).

  • Columns to select: id, unit_name, structure_code, hierarchy_code.

  • Search criteria:

    • The structure_code column must differ from a particular value (searchType="notEqual").

    • The structure_code column must start with a particular value (searchType="startsWith").

  • Results are sorted by the hierarchy_code column in ascending order (sorting="asc").

This search condition allows you to find all entries in the unit table that meet the described criteria. You can use this search condition to retrieve a specific subset of data from the unit table based on your criteria.

Example 5. An RLS rule for reading data to control access to the "find_all_units_v" view table based on the value of the "hierarchy_code" JWT attribute and the "hierarchy_code" column.
addReadRule for the "find_all_units_v" view table
<changeSet author="ek" id="24569-4">
  <comment>CREATE rls for find-all-units SC</comment>
  <ext:rls name="read_rls for find_all_units">

The read_rls for find_all_units RLS rule creates a data read rule to control access to the find_all_units_v view table based on the value of the hierarchy_code JWT attribute and the hierarchy_code column. This rule checks whether the attribute and column values match. If the values match, the user can read data from this table.

6. Loading data into tables

Prepare the CSV files to upload into the reference tables.

An example of a CSV file for filling the "unit" table as part of the reference hierarchical structure
101,Ministry of Economy of Ukraine,101
102,Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine,102
103,Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine,103
104,Ministry of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine,104
201,Department of Trade Agreements and Export Development,101.201
202,Division of Public Policy in the field of Public Material Reserve,101.202
203,Department of Labor and Employment,101.203
301,Department of Labor,101.203.301
302,Department of Industry and High-Risk Facilities Supervision,101.203.302
204,State Center of Informational Resources of Ukraine,102.204
205,State Enterprise "Diia",102.205
206,National Police of Ukraine,103.206
207,State Border Guard Service of Ukraine,103.207
208,State Migration Service of Ukraine,103.208
209,State Emergency Service of Ukraine,103.209
303,Office for Management of Places of Temporary Accommodation of Foreigners,103.208.303
304,Office for Management of Places of Temporary Accommodation of Refugees,103.208.304
210,State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine,104.210
211,State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine,104.211
212,State Aviation Administration of Ukraine,104.212
213,State Service for Maritime, Inland Waterway Transport and Shipping of Ukraine,104.213
214,State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety,104.214
215,State Agency for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine,104.215
305,Department of Restoration of Infrastructure of Ukraine,104.215.305
306,Department of Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine,104.215.306
401,Office of Infrastructure Development of Ukraine,104.215.306.401
An example of a CSV file for filling the "document_registration" table as part of the reference hierarchical structure
Application No. 102,103.206
Resolution No. 1657,104.215.306
Resolution No. 42,101.203.301

The initial data is loaded into the tables using a PL/pgSQL database procedure.

For details on initial data loading, see Initial loading of registry data.

7. Creating users

Create officer users in the registry. There are several ways you can do this:

  • Create users manually (see Creating a user and granting access rights).

  • Upload users via a CSV file (see Importing users through a file and granting access rights).

  • Enable automatic registration in the system via the onboarding process (see Self-registering officers with manual moderation and best-practices/bp-officer-self-register-auto.adoc). To use this approach, you must first enable auto-registration at the registry configuration level in the Control Plane admin console (see Configuring self-registration for officers).

    Each registered officer must have a hierarchy-related hierarchy_code attribute in Keycloak. This attribute serves as a surrogate key for accessing data that belongs to a specific hierarchy level.

    hierarchy model attributes

    It is also necessary to clearly define the roles for these users. A specific role with the hierarchy_code attribute allows you to limit an officer’s access to the desired hierarchy level — that is, a unit in the hierarchical structure and its subordinates.

    When you create a registry manager within the hierarchical management model, you must assign the hierarchy-registry-manager role to them in addition to the hierarchy_code attribute.

    The same principle applies to all other roles within the hierarchical model.

    hierarchy model roles

    The following roles are related to the hierarchical model:

    • hierarchy-registry-manager: Registry manager; an officer responsible for managing the hierarchical structure of the registry.

    • hierarchy-registry-user: Registry user; an officer who has access to the hierarchical structure and can perform tasks within their authority.

    • personnel-officer-admin: Personnel officer; an officer responsible for personnel management, including appointing and updating roles of other officers.

    • officer-moderator: Moderator; an officer who moderates the process of officers' auto-registration in the registry. A moderator is responsible for checking and approving registration requests from new users.

    All the hierarchy-related roles and the officer system role must be added to the roles/officer.yml file of the registry regulations.

    An example of roles/officer.yml
      - name: officer
        description: Officer role
      - name: personnel-officer-admin
        description: Personnel officer admin role
      - name: officer-moderator
        description: Manual registration moderator
      - name: hierarchy-registry-user
        description: User of the registry with the hierarchical management model
      - name: hierarchy-registry-manager
        description: Manager of the registry with the hierarchical management model
      - name: officer-moderator
        description: Officers auto-registration moderator

    To grant business process access to a specific role, you must set up authorization for the role in the bp-auth/officer.yml file.

    An example of bp-auth/officer.yml
      realm: "officer"
      - process_definition_id: 'reference-hierarchy-management'
        process_name: 'Hierarchical structure management'
        process_description: 'Hierarchical structure management'
          - 'hierarchy-registry-manager'
      - process_definition_id: 'reference-hierarchy-create-document'
        process_name: 'Create data for the data factory according to the hierarchical structure'
        process_description: 'Create data for the data factory according to the hierarchical structure'
          - 'hierarchy-registry-user'
      - process_definition_id: 'reference-hierarchy-edit-document'
        process_name: 'View and edit data in the data factory according to the hierarchical structure'
        process_description: 'View and edit data in the data factory according to the hierarchical structure'

8. Modeling business processes

After deploying the regulations with the hierarchical data model, you can start modeling your logic for interacting with registry data and processing it by the business processes and integration connectors, also called delegates.

Based on all the modeled tables and search conditions in the registry data model, the Platform creates REST API endpoints (resources) and publishes them in the registry-rest-api service. You can use these resources in business processes to obtain, create, edit, or delete data.

Business processes and UI forms modeling examples are available in the regulations of the registry demo. To learn how to deploy the registry demo, see Deploying demo registry with reference examples.