Registry administrative zone
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1. General description
The Registry administrative zone is a collection of subsystems that provide functions for developing and deploying the digital registry regulations using the GitOps approach by making changes to the corresponding version control repository and automatically applying them.
The Registry regulations modeling subsystem of the administrative zone provides web interfaces for administrators, through which they can create data models, business processes for information and administrative services, define organizational structure and access rights, configure external integrations, generate analytical reports and extracts, and more.
For more details on the roles of system administrators see Platform actors and roles section. |
2. Technical design
This diagram depicts the subsystems comprising the Registry administrative zone and their interactions with other subsystems within the scope of implementation of functional scenarios.
3. Registry administrative zone subsystems
Subsystem name | Service name |
External traffic management subsystem: registry administrative zone |
ext-api-management |
regulation-management |
regulation-publication |
operational-maintenance |