Audit events operational database

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1. Overview

The purpose of the audit database is to store a log of audit events related to registry data operations or other significant system events.

2. Database schema

Diagram notation Table notation Meaning

ο and [PK]


Primary key


(references table.column)

Foreign key

column name in bold

Required field (not null)

column name in regular font

Optional field (null)

3. Data structure

3.1. audit_event

Provides storage for audit events.

Column name

id text (PK)
Event ID in the database.

request_id text
MDC record ID.

application_name text
Name of the app that generated the event.

name text
Event name.

type text
Event type.

  • USER_ACTION: User action.

  • SECURITY_EVENT: authentication, authorization, and signature validation events.

  • SYSTEM_EVENT: System event.

timestamp timestamp without time zone
The time when the event occurred.

user_keycloak_id text
User ID.

user_name text
Name of the user associated with the event.

user_drfo text
User DRFO code.

source_system text
System name.

source_application text
Application name.

source_business_process text
Business process name.

source_business_process_definition_id text
Business process type ID.

source_business_process_instance_id text
Started business process ID.

source_business_activity text
Name of the business process step.

source_business_activity_id text
Business process step ID.

context text
Event details JSON representation.

received timestamp without time zone
The time when the message was written to the database.