User portals subsystem

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1. General overview

The subsystem that implements web interfaces for user portals to facilitate the receipt and provision of administrative and informational services within the registry. It enables tracking the status of their execution and receiving informational messages.

2. Subsystem functions

  • User login/logout

  • View user profile

  • Manage personal settings

  • View available services

  • Initiate business processes for providing of receiving a service

  • Enter and apply electronic signatures to data via business processes UI task forms

  • View registry data

  • View tasks in the execution queue

  • View business process service execution status

  • View completed tasks

  • View finished business process services

  • Download registry excerpts

  • View inbox messages

  • Navigate to information dashboards web interfaces

3. Subsystem technical design

This diagram illustrates the components that constitute the User portals subsystem and their interaction with other subsystems within the implementation of functional scenarios.

portals subsystem design

The User portals subsystem consists of two web applications built on the basis of Single-Page Application (SPA) architecture. They interact with backend services through REST APIs via the External traffic management subsystem, ensuring unauthorized access to registry data is prevented.

Nginx is used as the web server for servicing client requests for obtaining static content.

4. Subsystem components

Component name Presentation in the registry Origin Repository Purpose

Officer portal




Client web application for providing administrative and informational services by an Official

Citizen portal



Client web application for receiving administrative and informational services by Citizens

5. Technology stack

The following technologies were utilized during the design and development of the subsystem:

6. Subsystem quality attributes

6.1. Security

The required level of security is achieved through protection against major attack vectors: sanitization of user input/output, use of CORS tokens, automated vulnerability checks of libraries, and more.

Access to internal portal pages is permitted only for authenticated users according to their access rights. Access control and segregation are managed by the External traffic management subsystem and the Users and roles management subsystem.

6.2. Accessibility

Correct usage of portal pages with a screen reader is ensured through automatic linting of necessary HTML attributes during portal compilation.

6.3. Adaptability

User portals adapt to browser screen sizes starting from 1280px and when used on personal computers. Smaller screen sizes and portable devices with touch screens are not supported.

Supported browsers: Google Chrome @latest

6.4. Usability

User interfaces were developed considering recommendations and guidelines for Ukrainian government websites. Individual data input components adhere to the Material Design approach by Google.