Connect to data factory

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Table 1. A brief overview of the delegate
Name Description

The business name of the integration extension

Connect to data factory

The internal name of the integration extension


The file name in the extension library


1. General overview

The Connect to data factory extension — is a general delegate for integrating business processes with the Data Factory, which is configured using the developed template of the same name Connect to data factory (dataFactoryConnectorDelegate.json).

Using this delegate, you can send any request to any API endpoint to obtain any data. That is, you can use any integration point (endpoint) developed at the Data Factory level, which is reflected in the REST API Registry, i.e. in the Swagger UI, to send a request.

This general delegate is capable of replacing all other delegates with specific purposes.
The delegate supports interaction with HTTP methods, namely:
  • POST — to create an entity/resource. Corresponds to the CREATE database operation.

  • GET  — to search for or read data. Corresponds to the READ database operation.

  • PUT  —  to update an entity. Corresponds to the UPDATE database operation.

  • DELETE — to delete an entity. Corresponds to the DELETE database operation.

  • PATCH  —  to partially update (modify) an entity. Corresponds to the UPDATE database operation..

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Before configuring the template in Camunda Modeler, make sure that the dataFactoryConnectorDelegate.json file is in the resourceselement-templates folder of the application.
This instruction considers cases of delegate interaction with different types of endpoints using the example of the ownership entity.

2. Configuration of interaction with the POST endpoint

The POST HTTP method is used to create an entity/resource in the registry database.

To configure the delegate template in Camunda Modeler, follow these steps:

  1. To create Service Task.

  2. On the configuration panel to the right, click on the Open Catalog button, select the appropriate Connect to data factory template from the list, and click Apply to confirm.

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  3. Configure the selected template as follows:

    • In the Name field, specify the name of the task. For example, Create entity (POST).

    • * Expand the Method block in the Custom Fields section and select the HTTP method POST to interact with the Data Factory from the dropdown list.

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    • Expand the Path block and specify the path to the resource in the Data Factory, i.e. the name of the endpoint to which you need to send the request:

      • Enable the Local Variable AssignmentON option. This will allow creating a local variable for the endpoint.

      • In the Variable Assignment Type field, select the variable assignment type from the dropdown list — String or Expression.

      • In the Variable Assignment Value field, specify the endpoint — /ownership.

        The endpoint name must be specified with a forward slash (/) as a prefix.

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    • The POST method does not require additional request parameters, except for the request body, so leave the Request Parameters block blank.

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    • Expand the Payload block and specify the input parameters, that is, the request body:

      • Enable the Local Variable AssignmentON option. This will allow creating a local variable for the request body.

      • In the Variable Assignment Type field, select the variable assignment type from the dropdown list — String or Expression.

      • In the Variable Assignment Value field, enter the request body — a JSON structure with parameters that need to be written to the database. For example, ${payload}.

        In our example, we pass the ${payload} variable, which saved the data in one of the previous tasks of the business process.

        Example 1. Schema of the request body according to the REST API Registry
          "ownershipId": "b45b90c0-c53d-4fd3-aa82-02e8e7392345",
          "code": "string",
          "name": "string"

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    • Expand the X-Access-Token block and enter the access token for the resource:

      • Enable the Local Variable AssignmentON option. This will allow creating a local variable for the access token.

      • In the Variable Assignment Type field, select the variable assignment type from the dropdown list — String or Expression.


The access token is taken either from the initiator (for example, $initiator().accessToken}, or from the performer of the last user task (for example, ${completer('taskDefinitionId').accessToken}).

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  • Expand the X-Digital-Signature source block and specify the source for the Ceph document, where the user’s signature (QES - Qualified Electronic Signature) is stored, which was applied to the data of the UI form during entry:

    • Enable the Local Variable AssignmentON option. This will allow creating a local variable for the QES.

    • In the Variable Assignment Type field, select the variable assignment type from the dropdown list — String or Expression.

    • In the Variable Assignment Value field, enter the user’s signature (QES). For example, ${sign_submission('taskId').signatureDocumentId}.

      In our example, we pass the QES from the user form where it was applied using the sign_submission() function (more about using JUEL functions in business processes at the link.)

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  • Expand the X-Digital-Signature-Derived source block and specify the source for the Ceph document, where the system signature, automatically applied to the request body, is stored:

    • Enable the Local Variable AssignmentON option. This will allow creating a local variable for the system signature. In the Variable Assignment Type field, select the variable assignment type from the dropdown list — String or Expression.

    • In the Variable Assignment Value field, pass the system signature. For example, ${createPersonPayloadDerivedKey}.

      In our example, we pass the ${createPersonPayloadDerivedKey} variable, which has saved the system signature in one of the previous tasks of the business process.

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  • Expand the Result variable block and specify the name of the process variable to which the result must be written (by default — response):

    • Enable the Local Variable AssignmentON option.

    • In the Variable Assignment Type field, select the variable assignment type from the dropdown list — String or Expression.

    • In the Variable Assignment Value field, enter the name of the result variable (response by default).

      The service does not return a response body for a POST request. As a result, only response code and description are returned.

      Example 2. Response code and its description according to the REST API Registry
      OK, the resource has been successfully created

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3. Configuration of interaction with the GET endpoint

The GET HTTP method is used to retrieve entity data (SELECT by id from the table in the database) or to search for data based on certain criteria (SELECT from the view) in the database registry. It is used to retrieve objects. Does not modify the resource state.

Qualified Electronic Signature and system signature are not used in a GET request.
Getting entity data by id

This case describes an example of getting a resource by its ID from a specific table in the database.

To set up the delegate template in Camunda Modeler, you need to follow these steps:

  1. To create Service Task.

  2. On the settings panel on the right, click the Open Catalog button, select the corresponding Connect to data factory template from the list, and click Apply to confirm.

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  3. Configure the selected template:

    • In the Name field, specify the name of the task. For example, Get entity by id (GET).

    • Expand the Method block under the Custom Fields section and select the GET HTTP method from the dropdown list to interact with the Data Factory.

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    • Expand the Path block and specify the path to the resource in the Data Factory, that is, the name of the endpoint to which you want to send a request:

  • Enable the Local Variable AssignmentON option. This will allow creating a local variable for the endpoint.

  • In the Variable Assignment Type field, select the variable assignment type from the dropdown list — String or Expression.

  • In the Variable Assignment Value field, enter the endpoint. For example, /ownership/${response.value.responseBody.prop('id).value()}.

    The endpoint name must be specified using a forward slash (/) as a prefix.

    It is mandatory to pass the entity identifier. The ID can be passed in several ways. For example:

    • Through a variable as ${response.value.responseBody.prop('id).value()};

    • Through a variable as /${id};

    • Using the submission() function as ${submission('taskId').formData.prop('id').value()}

    • Using a constant UUID value directly as - /b45b90c0-c53d-4fd3-aa82-02e8e7392345.

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  • This case does not require additional request parameters, except for path params, so leave the Request parameters and Payload blocks empty.

  • Expand the X-Access-Token block and enter the access token for the resource:

  • Enable the Local Variable AssignmentON option. This will allow creating a local variable for the access token.

  • In the Variable Assignment Type field, select the variable assignment type from the dropdown list — String or Expression.

  • In the Variable Assignment Value field, enter the access token. For example, ${completer('taskId').accessToken}.

    The access token is taken from EITHER the initiator (for example, $initiator().accessToken}), OR from the executor of the last user task (for example, ${completer('taskDefinitionId').accessToken}).

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  • Expand the Result variable block and specify the name of the process variable to which the result must be written (by default — response):

  • Enable the Local Variable AssignmentON option.

  • In the Variable Assignment Type field, select the variable assignment type from the dropdown list — String or Expression.

  • In the Variable Assignment Value field, enter the name of the result variable (response — by default).

    The service returns the resource by its ID in response to a GET request.

    Example 3. Example response body according to REST API Registry
      "ownershipId": "b45b90c0-c53d-4fd3-aa82-02e8e7392345",
      "code": "string",
      "name": "string"

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Search for data based on criteria

This case describes an example of retrieving a list of resources by sending a request to the endpoint generated based on the corresponding view (Search Condition) in the Data Factory.

To set up the delegate template in Camunda Modeler, you need to follow these steps:

  1. To create Service Task.

  2. On the settings panel on the right, click the Open Catalog button, select the corresponding Connect to data factory template from the list, and click Apply to confirm.

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  3. To configure the selected template:

  • In the Name field, specify the name of the task. For example, Search for data based on criteria (GET).

  • Expand the Method block under the Custom Fields section and select the GET HTTP method from the dropdown list to interact with the Data Factory.

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  • Expand the Path block and specify the path to the resource in the Data Factory, that is, the name of the endpoint to which you want to send a request:

  • Enable the Local Variable AssignmentON option. This will allow creating a local variable for the endpoint.

  • In the Variable Assignment Type field, select the variable assignment type from the dropdown list — String or Expression.

  • In the Variable Assignment Value field, enter the resource. For example, /staff-equal-constant-code.

    • The name of the resource corresponds to the name of the endpoint for the Search Condition in the Data Factory.

    • The resource name must be specified using a forward slash (/) as a prefix.

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  • This case requires setting additional request parameters - query parameters. Expand the Request parameters block and specify the query parameters as key-value pairs (Map).

    • Enable the Local Variable AssignmentON option. This will allow creating a local variable for the Search Condition endpoint.

    • In the Variable Assignment Type field, select the variable assignment type from the dropdown list — Map.

    • In the Variable Assignment Value field, enter the search key - constantCode and its value — ${submission('formId').formData.prop('staffStatusCode').value()}.

    In our case, the search key value constantCode is passed through the submission() function (more about using JUEL functions in business processes can be found in the — link). Other parameters are optional.

    Example 4. Example of request query parameters in JSON format according to REST API Registry
    "offset": 0,
    "constantCode": "string",
    "limit": 0

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  • Expand the X-Access-Token block and enter the access token for the resource:

    • Enable the Local Variable AssignmentON option. This will allow creating a local variable for the access token.

    • In the Variable Assignment Type field, select the variable assignment type from the dropdown list — String or Expression.

    • In the Variable Assignment Value field, enter the access token, for example, ${completer('taskId').accessToken}.

    The access token is taken from EITHER the initiator (for example, $initiator().accessToken}), OR from the executor of the last user task (for example, ${completer('taskDefinitionId').accessToken}).

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  • Expand the Result variable block and specify the name of the process variable to which the result must be written (by default — response):

    • Enable the Local Variable AssignmentON option.

    • In the Variable Assignment Type field, select the variable assignment type from the dropdown list — String or Expression.

    • In the Variable Assignment Value field, enter the name of the result variable (response by default).

    In response to a GET request, the service returns an array of objects/resources based on search criteria.

    Example 5. Example response body from the service according to REST API Registry
        "staffStatusId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
        "constantCode": "string",
        "name": "string"

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4. Configuration of interaction with a PUT endpoint

The PUT HTTP method is used to update an entity/resource in the registry database. It is used to modify an existing resource based on its ID.

The principle of configuring the delegate to update an entity is identical to the Configuration of interaction with the POST endpoint with a few exceptions:

  • Expand the Method block under the Custom Fields section and select PUT HTTP method from the dropdown list to interact with the Data Factory.

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  • In the Path block, specify the endpoint /ownership/${response.value.responseBody.prop('id).value()} as a local variable, indicating the ID of the resource to be updated.

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    In our case, we pass the value of id as a variable ${response.value.responseBody.prop('id).value()} (more about the options for passing id can be found in section Configuration of interaction with the GET endpoint).
  • In the Result variable block, the response code is stored in the result variable as follows:

Example 6. Response code and description according to REST API Registry
204 OK

5. Configuration of interaction with a DELETE endpoint

The DELETE HTTP method is used to delete an entity/resource in the registry database. It is used to delete a resource based on its ID.

The principle of configuring the delegate to delete an entity is identical to the Configuration of interaction with a PUT endpoint with two exceptions:

  • In the Method block, specify the DELETE method as a local variable.

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  • Deleting an entity does not require defining request body parameters, so leave the Payload block empty.

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6. Configuration of interaction with a PATCH-endpoint

The PATCH HTTP method is used to partially update an entity/resource in the registry database. It is used to modify specific resource parameters based on its ID.

The principle of configuring the delegate to partially update an entity is identical to the Configuration of interaction with a PUT endpoint with one exception:

  • Expand the Method block under the Custom Fields section and select PATCH HTTP method from the dropdown list to interact with the Data Factory.

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