End-user information

Depending on your needs, you may choose from the following possibilities, in order to get Wilma and Wilma Message Search applications:

  • Using docker images from Docker Hub
  • Get prepared release ZIP files from GitHub
  • Create your own release from the source
After you selected the approach of getting the release, please see configuration and setup instructions here.

Using the latest release from Docker Hub

Wilma and Wilma Message Search applications are published via Docker Hub, therefore you may use prepared docker images instantly.

Please read further information on how to use docker images by following this link.

Getting the latest release from GitHub

You may find the project itself on GitHub, from where you may download the latest release from the following URL:


Usually 2 zip files are there:

  • wilma-application-<version>.zip that contains everything that's needed to run the Wilma Application.
  • wilma-message-search-application-<version>.zip that contains everything that's needed to run the Wilma Message Search Application.

After downloading the zip file, unpack its contents to a selected folder.

Example of wilma-application-<version>.zip (about 33 Mbytes):

  • certificate - folder  with wilma.cer and wilma.jks files, in order to handle https requests
  • config - folder with formatter and checker java example classes, and the template folder
  • COPYRIGHTS - folder that contains all Licences used in any of the 3rd party libs/jars
  • wilma-<version>.jar - the executable Wilma Application 
  • stubConfig.json - an initial (empty) stub-config configuration
  • readme.txt - yep, a read-me file
  • wilma.conf.properties - property file with default settings

JRE 11 is required for running Wilma application.

JDK 11 is required for running Wilma Message Search application.

Create your own release

Please follow instructions described here when you would like to recreate the product from its source.

Further information