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Manage Container Registries⚓︎

This guide provides instructions on integrating the container registry with the KubeRocketCI.

Supported Registry Providers⚓︎

The following table displays the registry services supported for both OpenShift and Kubernetes clusters.

Container Registry OpenShift Kubernetes
DockerHub + +
Harbor + +
OpenShift (OCR) + -
Nexus + +

Add Container Registry⚓︎

Follow a three-step process to integrate a container registry in KubeRocketCI:

  1. In the KubeRocketCI -> Configuration -> Registry:

    Registry settings
    Registry settings

  2. Select Registry Provider and enter the required details.

  3. Confirm settings by clicking the Save button.

The required fields vary depending on which container registry is chosen:

AWS ECR settings
AWS ECR settings

Fields Description
Registry Endpoint Format for the (AWS) Elastic Container Registry endpoint: Where xxxxxxxxxxxx is your AWS account ID and <region> is where your ECR is hosted.
Registry Space The suffix project name in registry.
AWS Region The geographic area where the (AWS) Elastic Container Registry repository is hosted.
Authentication/IRSA Role ARN Specify the IAM role with a policy for interacting with ECR with your Kubernetes cluster.

DockerHub settings
DockerHub settings

Fields Description
Registry Space The unique identifier/name of the user or company linked to your DockerHub account.
User The user account id or community user account id with push permission.
Password/Token Provide the Password/Token corresponding to your docker hub account. It is recommended to use Token for security purposes.
Checkbox/Use the Push Account's credentials Check this to use the same account for pulling and pushing operations. If unchecked, please enter the user account ID and Password/Token for your DockerHub account or community user account ID with pull permission.

Harbor settings
Harbor settings

Fields Description
Registry Endpoint Enter Harbor registry endpoint URL, for example,
Registry Space The project name in registry.
User Provide the robot account name with push permissions.
Password/Token Provide the secret corresponding to your harbor account.
Checkbox/Use the Push Account's credentials Check this to use the same account for pulling and pushing operations. Provide the account name with pull permissions.

OpenShift settings
OpenShift settings

Fields Description
Registry Endpoint OpenShift service registry endpoint URL (e.g., image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000).
Project The project name in registry.
Password/Token Supply the password for the user who has pull authorization privileges in your OpenShift container image registry.

Nexus settings
Nexus settings

Fields Description
Registry Endpoint Nexus service registry endpoint URL (e.g.,
Repository Specify the Nexus repository that corresponds to your project.
User Provide the username with push permissions.
Password/Token Enter the confidential combination used for authenticating your access to the container registry.

Remove Container Registry⚓︎

To remove container registry integration from KubeRocketCI, follow the steps below:


Proceed with caution, removing registry settings might disrupt your CI/CD process. All new components created after changing the registry such as Components and Environments will start working out of the box. To work with existing codebases and pipelines familiarize with the change container registry guide.

1. In the KubeRocketCI -> Configuration -> Registry.

2. Click the Reset registry button, type the confirm word and then click Confirm:

Registry settings
Registry settings