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Add Quality Gate⚓︎

This section describes how to use quality gate in KubeRocketCI and how to customize the quality gate for the CD pipeline with the selected build version of the promoted application between stages.

Apply New Quality Gate to Pipelines⚓︎

Quality gate pipeline is a usual Tekton pipeline but with a specific label: deploy. To add and apply the quality gate to your pipelines, follow the steps below:

1. To use the Tekton pipeline as a quality gate pipeline, add this label to the pipelines:

  labels: deploy
2. Insert the value that is the quality gate name displayed in the quality gate drop-down list of the CD pipeline menu:
  name: <name-of-quality-gate>
3. Ensure the task promote-images contains steps and logic to apply to the project. Also ensure that the last task is promote-images which parameters are mandatory:
    - default: ''
      description: Codebases with a tag separated with a space.
      name: CODEBASE_TAG
      type: string
    - default: ''
      name: CDPIPELINE_CR
      type: string
    - default: ''
      type: string
    - name: promote-images
        - name: CODEBASE_TAG
          value: $(params.CODEBASE_TAG)
        - name: CDPIPELINE_STAGE
          value: $(params.CDPIPELINE_STAGE)
        - name: CDPIPELINE_CR
          value: $(params.CDPIPELINE_CR)
        - <last-task-name>
        kind: Task
        name: promote-images
4. Create a new pipeline with a unique name or modify your created pipeline with the command below. Please be aware that the ‹edp-project› value is the name of the EDP tenant:
kubectl apply -f <file>.yaml --namespace edp

Example: file.yaml
 kind: Pipeline
   labels: deploy
   name: <name-of-quality-gate>
   namespace: edp
     - default: >-
       name: pipelineUrl
       type: string
     - default: ''
       description: Codebases with a tag separated with a space.
       name: CODEBASE_TAG
       type: string
     - default: ''
       name: CDPIPELINE_CR
       type: string
     - default: ''
       type: string
     - name: autotests
         - name: BASE_IMAGE
           value: bitnami/kubectl:1.25.4
         - name: EXTRA_COMMANDS
           value: echo "Hello World"
         kind: Task
         name: run-quality-gate
     - name: promote-images
         - name: CODEBASE_TAG
           value: $(params.CODEBASE_TAG)
         - name: CDPIPELINE_STAGE
           value: $(params.CDPIPELINE_STAGE)
         - name: CDPIPELINE_CR
           value: $(params.CDPIPELINE_CR)
         - autotests
         kind: Task
         name: promote-images

Run Quality Gate⚓︎

Before running the quality gate, first of all, ensure that the environment has deployed the created CD pipeline and then ensure that the application is successfully deployed and ready to run the quality gate. To run quality gate, please follow the steps below:

  1. Check the CD pipeline status. To do this, open the created CD pipeline, select Image stream version, click DEPLOY button and wait until Applications, Health and Sync statuses become green. This implies that the application is successfully deployed and ready to run the quality gate.

    CD pipeline stage overview
    CD pipeline stage overview

  2. Select the name-of-quality-gate of Quality gates from the drop-down list and click the RUN button.
    The execution process should be started in the Pipelines menu:

    Quality gate pipeline status
    Quality gate pipeline status

Add Stage for Quality Gate⚓︎

For a better understanding of this section, please read the documentation about how to add a new stage for quality gate.
The scheme below illustrates two approaches of adding quality gates:

Quality gate promote a scheme
Types of adding quality gate

  • The first type of adding a quality gate is about adding the specific quality gate to the specific pipeline stage.
  • The second type is rather optional and implies activating the Promote in pipelines option while creating a CD Pipeline to pass the quality gate in a certain sequence.

As a result, after the quality gate is successfully passed, the projected image is promoted to the next stage.