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Use Cases⚓︎

The Use Cases section provides useful recommendations of how to operate with the EPAM Delivery Platform tools and manage the custom resources. Get acquainted with the description of technical scenarios and solutions.

  • Scaffold And Deploy FastAPI Application

    Rapidly create, customize, and deploy FastAPI applications using a scaffolding tool and standardized processes, streamlining development and enhancing code quality for quicker and reliable feature releases.

    Scaffold Now

  • Bring Your Own Framework

    Facilitate the onboarding of custom tools and frameworks into the EPAM Delivery Platform by integrating custom Tekton libraries, empowering the modification of pipelines and tasks for tailored workflows.

    Summon the Kraken

  • Secrets Management For Application Deployment

    Ensure secure handling of sensitive data by leveraging an external secret store within the EPAM Delivery Platform, allowing secure transmission and usage of confidential information across namespaces, facilitating secure connections to databases during development and deployment, tailored for Developers.

    Run Securely

  • Autotest As the Quality Gate

    Implement autotests as a quality gate within the Continuous Deployment pipeline, verifying application stability and functionality, allowing reliable versions to be promoted while enabling quick creation of applications, streamlined testing, and seamless deployment updates for Developers and Quality Assurance specialists.

    Set Quality Gate