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Integrate SonarQube⚓︎

It is mandatory for EDP to have SonarQube integrated with the platform as all the pipelines include the sonar step.

SonarQube is a robust tool employed in build and code review pipelines to elevate code quality by detecting and reporting issues, along with offering improvement recommendations. SonarCloud, the SaaS solution provided by SonarQube, serves this purpose.

This guide will lead you through the configuration process of SonarCloud for your project.


An alternative option is to use an independent SonarQube instance.

Integrate SonarCloud⚓︎

To integrate SonarCloud with the platform, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign up in the SonarCloud with your GitHub account.

  2. Once you are logged in with GitHub, import an organization from GitHub:

    Import organization
    Import organization


    It is crucial to have the organization created in SonarCloud. If you were signed up in SonarCloud using a GitHub account, SonarCloud will suggest you creating an organization with name that is equivalent to your GitHub account name.

  3. In the Create an organization menu, choose the free plan and click Create organization:

    Create organization
    Choose plan

  4. In your account menu, select the Security tab and generate token:

    Create organization
    Generate token

  5. In EDP Portal, navigate to EDP -> Configuration -> Code Quality. Define the following values and click Save:

    • URL:
    • Token: account token generated in SonarCloud

    SonarQube integration
    SonarQube integration

After completing the SonarQube integration, proceed to integrate the platform with GitHub. Navigate to the Integrate GitHub page for further instructions.