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Professional Service Pricing

Experience the flexibility of deploying the EPAM Delivery Platform on your on-premises infrastructure or in the Cloud. Your valuable data stays securely within your perimeter, ensuring uncompromising security at every step.

Open Source
Enjoy essential features at no cost, perfect for getting started.
  • Community support
  • EDP on any Kubernetes cluster
  • CI pipelines for polyglot microservices
$6,000 /month
Access advanced features and scalability options to meet the evolving needs of your growing enterprise.
  • 60 professional service hours *
  • 3 months minimum commitment **
$13,000 /month
For mission-critical projects and extensive organizational needs, it delivers top-tier features, priority support, and customizable solutions.
  • 160 professional service hours *
  • 3 months minimum commitment **

* Professional service hours are versatile, blended hours bundled within your subscription plan. They encompass expertise from diverse specialists, including business analysts, architects, lead automation engineers, DevOps (System Engineers), and performance engineers. These multi-functional hours cater to EDP installation, configuration, integration, customization, feature implementation, updates, and use case implementation. They empower you to leverage a range of expertise for various aspects of optimizing and enhancing your EDP experience.

** A minimum time commitment is required for the use of a certain subscription plan.

Service Category Description Professional Service Hours*
Deployment, Installation, Configuration
Deploy the platform in an empty AWS account, including components such as infrastructure, CI/CD, SSO integration, SonarQube, DependencyTrack, Nexus Repository, DefectDojo, logging, monitoring, Docker Registry, and Observability. 60
Deploy the platform with minimum components set in the existing Kubernetes cluster, including CI/CD, integration with the existing SonarQube, Repository Manager, and Container Registry. 8
Traceability and Observability customization: Storage backend configuration, performance tunning. 40
Monitoring stack customization: Custom Dashboards, Alerts, Notifications. 40
Logging stack customization: Custom filters and processing for Fluent Bit, logs rotation policy tunning. 40
SonarQube Quality Gate and Quality Profile configuration. 8
Security (SAST/SCA) report analysis per single codebase. 8
Onboard new Framework or Build tool with CI Pipelines: Implement EDP standard CI Pipeline steps (build, test, lint, push). 40
Marketplace Template Development: Create a new template, Implement EDP standard CI Pipeline steps (build, test, lint, push). 40
Custom Tool Integration
Integrate custom tool with CI Pipeline over API. 30
Integrate custom tool with EDP Portal UI over Kubernetes API. 40
Integrate custom tool with EDP Portal UI over API. 80
Target Deployment Platform Customization
Add Custom Deployment Platform: Implement custom CD Pipeline. 80

* The values presented in the table are provided for reference purposes only and are subject to change based on the final scope of the work. Please note that these figures serve as estimates and may be adjusted accordingly as the project details are finalized.

