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Upgrade EDP v3.4 to 3.5⚓︎


We suggest making a backup of the EDP environment before starting the upgrade procedure.

This section provides detailed instructions for upgrading EPAM Delivery Platform to version 3.5.3. Follow the steps and requirements outlined below:

  1. Update Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). Run the following command to apply all necessary CRDs to the cluster:

    kubectl apply -f


    Codebase-operator v2.19.0 is not compatible with the previous versions. Please become familiar with the breaking change in Git Server Custom Resource Definition.

  2. Familiarize yourself with the updated file structure of the values.yaml file and adjust your values.yaml file accordingly:

    1. By default, the deployment of sub components such as edp-sonar-operator, edp-nexus-operator, edp-gerrit-operator, and keycloak-operator, have been disabled. Set them back to true in case they are needed or manually deploy external tools, such as SonarQube, Nexus, Gerrit and integrate them with the EPAM Delivery Platform.

    2. The default Git provider has been changed from Gerrit to GitHub:

      Old format:

        gitProvider: gerrit
        gerritSSHPort: "22"

      New format:

        gitProvider: github
        #gerritSSHPort: "22"
    3. The sonarUrl and nexusUrl parameters have been deprecated. All the URLs from external components are stored in integration secrets:

        # -- Optional parameter. Link to use custom sonarqube. Format: http://<service-name>.<sonarqube-namespace>:9000 or http://<ip-address>:9000
        sonarUrl: ""
        # -- Optional parameter. Link to use custom nexus. Format: http://<service-name>.<nexus-namespace>:8081 or http://<ip-address>:<port>
        nexusUrl: ""
    4. Keycloak integration has been moved from the global section to the sso section. Update the parameters accordingly:

      Old format:

        # -- Keycloak URL
        # -- Administrators of your tenant
          - ""
        # -- Developers of your tenant
          - ""
          - ""

      New format:

        enabled: true
        # -- Keycloak URL
        # -- Administrators of your tenant
          - ""
        # -- Developers of your tenant
          - ""
          - ""
    5. (Optional) The default secret name for Jira integration has been changed from jira-user to ci-jira. Please adjust the secret name in the parameters accordingly:

          credentialName: "ci-jira"
  3. The secret naming and format have been refactored. Below are patterns of the changes for various components:

    Old format:

    "sonar-ciuser-token": {
      "username": "xxxxx",
      "secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    New format:
    "ci-sonarqube": {
      "token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",

    Old format:

    "nexus-ci-user": {
      "username": "xxxxx",
      "password": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    New format:

    "ci-nexus": {
      "username": "xxxxx",
      "password": "xxxxx",
      "url": ""

    Old format:

    "ci-dependency-track": {
      "token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    New format:

    "ci-dependency-track": {
      "token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "url": ""}

    Old format:

    "defectdojo-ciuser-token": {
      "token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "url": ""

    New format:

    "ci-defectdojo": {
      "token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "url": ""

    Old format:

    "jira-user": {
      "username": "xxxxx",
      "password": "xxxxx"

    New format:

    "ci-jira": {
      "username": "xxxxx",
      "password": "xxxxx"

    Old format:

    "gitlab": {
      "id_rsa": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "secretString": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    New format:

    "ci-gitlab": {
      "id_rsa": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "secretString": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    Old format:

    "github": {
      "id_rsa": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "secretString": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    New format:

    "ci-github": {
      "id_rsa": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "secretString": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    The tables below illustrate the difference between the old and new format:

    Old format

    Secret Name Username Password Token Secret URL
    jira-user * *
    nexus-ci.user * *
    sonar-ciuser-token * *
    defectdojo-ciuser-token * *
    ci-dependency-track *

    New format

    Secret Name Username Password Token URL
    ci-jira * *
    ci-nexus * * *
    ci-sonarqube * *
    ci-defectdojo * *
    ci-dependency-track * *
  4. To upgrade EDP to the v3.5.3, run the following command:

    helm upgrade edp epamedp/edp-install -n edp --values values.yaml --version=3.5.3


    To verify the installation, it is possible to test the deployment before applying it to the cluster with the --dry-run tag:
    helm upgrade edp epamedp/edp-install -n edp --values values.yaml --version=3.5.3 --dry-run