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Application Already Exists Error (Gerrit VCS)βš“οΈŽ


User receives an error message when creating applications using Gerrit as a Git Server provider.


Gerrit operator might get stuck during its work.


Restarting the Gerrit-related pods can be a solution to the problem:

  1. Check the GerritProject, CodebaseImageStream, CodebaseBranch, and Codebase custom resources related to the previously created application:

    kubectl get CodebaseBranch -n edp
    kubectl get CodebaseImageStream -n edp
    kubectl get Codebase -n edp
    kubectl get GerritProject -n edp
  2. Delete the custom resources that relate to the problem application using the kubectl delete command.

  3. Check the pods in your project namespace:

    kubectl get pods -n edp
  4. Delete the gerrit-operator and gerrit pods so the replica set will be able to spin up new pods:

    kubectl get pods -n edp
  5. Create the application again. Now it is supposed to create application successfully.