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Restore EDP Tenant With Velero⚓︎

You can use the Velero tool to restore a EDP tenant. Explore the main steps for backup and restoring below.

  1. Delete all related entities in Keycloak: realm and clients from master/openshift realms. Navigate to the entities list in the Keycloak, select the necessary ones, and click the deletion icon on the entity overview page. If there are customized configs in Keycloak, save them before making backup.

    Remove keycloak realm
    Remove keycloak realm

  2. To restore EDP, install and configure the Velero tool. Please refer to the Install Velero documentation for details.

  3. Remove all locks for operators. Delete all config maps that have ‹OPERATOR_NAME›-operator-lock names. Then restart all pods with operators, or simply run the following command:

    kubectl -n edp delete cm $(kubectl -n edp get cm | grep 'operator-lock' | awk '{print $1}')
  4. Recreate the admin password and delete the Jenkins pod. Or change the script to update the admin password in Jenkins every time when the pod is updated.