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Static Application Security Testing Overviewβš“οΈŽ

EPAM Delivery Platform provides the implemented Static Application Security Testing support allowing to work with the Semgrep security scanner and the DefectDojo vulnerability management system to check the source code for known vulnerabilities.

Supported Languagesβš“οΈŽ

EDP SAST supports a number of languages and package managers.

Language (Package Managers) Scan Tool Build Tool
Java Semgrep Maven, Gradle
Go Semgrep Go
React Semgrep Npm

Supported Vulnerability Management Systemβš“οΈŽ

To get and then manage a SAST report after scanning, it is necessary to deploy the vulnerability management system, for instance, DefectDojo.


DefectDojo is a vulnerability management and security orchestration platform that allows managing the uploaded security reports.

Inspect the prerequisites and the main steps for installing DefectDojo on Kubernetes or OpenShift platforms.