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Install via Helmfileβš“οΈŽ

This article provides the instruction on how to deploy EDP and components in Kubernetes using Helmfile that is intended for deploying Helm charts. Helmfile templates are available in GitHub repository.


The Helmfile installation method for EPAM Delivery Platform (EDP) is currently not actively maintained. We strongly recommend exploring alternative installation options for the most up-to-date and well-supported deployment experience. You may consider using the Add-Ons approach or opting for installation via the AWS Marketplace to ensure a reliable and secure deployment of EDP.


The following tools and plugins must be installed:

Helmfile Structureβš“οΈŽ

  • The envs/common.yaml file contains the specification for environments pattern, list of helm repositories from which it is necessary to fetch the helm charts and additional Helm parameters.
  • The envs/platform.yaml file contains global parameters that are used in various Helmfiles.
  • The releases/envs/ contains symbol links to environments files.
  • The releases/*.yaml file contains description of parameters that is used when deploying a Helm chart.
  • The helmfile.yaml file defines components to be installed by defining a path to Helm releases files.
  • The envs/ci.yaml file contains stub parameters for CI linter.
  • The test/ script for running CI linter with debug loglevel and stub parameters.
  • The resources/*.yaml file contains additional resources for the OpenShift platform.

Operate Helmfileβš“οΈŽ

Before applying the Helmfile, please fill in the global parameters in the envs/platform.yaml (check the examples in the envs/ci.yaml) and releases/*.yaml files for every Helm deploy.

Pay attention to the following recommendations while working with the Helmfile:

  • To launch Lint, run the test/ script.
  • Display the difference between the deployed and environment state (helm diff):
    helmfile --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml diff
  • Apply the deployment:
    helmfile  --selector component=ingress --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml apply
  • Modify the deployment and apply the changes:
    helmfile  --selector component=ingress --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml sync
  • To deploy the components according to the label, use the selector to target a subset of releases when running the Helmfile. It can be useful for large Helmfiles with the releases that are logically grouped together. For example, to display the difference only for the nginx-ingress file, use the following command:
    helmfile  --selector component=ingress --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml diff
  • To destroy the release, run the following command:
    helmfile  --selector component=ingress --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml destroy

Deploy Componentsβš“οΈŽ

Using the Helmfile, the following components can be installed:

Deploy NGINX Ingress Controllerβš“οΈŽ


Skip this step for the OpenShift platform, because it has its own Ingress Controller.

To install NGINX Ingress controller, follow the steps below:

  1. In the releases/nginx-ingress.yaml file, set the proxy-real-ip-cidr parameter according to the value with AWS VPC IPv4 CIDR.

  2. Install NGINX Ingress controller:

    helmfile  --selector component=ingress --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml apply

Deploy Keycloakβš“οΈŽ

Keycloak requires a database deployment, so it has two charts: releases/keycloak.yaml and releases/postgresql-keycloak.yaml.

To install Keycloak, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a security namespace:


    For the OpenShift users:
    This namespace is also indicated as users in the following custom SecurityContextConstraints resources: resources/keycloak-scc.yaml and resources/postgresql-keycloak-scc.yaml. Change the namespace name when using a custom namespace.

    kubectl create namespace security
  2. Create PostgreSQL admin secret:

    kubectl -n security create secret generic keycloak-postgresql \
    --from-literal=password=<postgresql_password> \
  3. In the envs/platform.yaml file, set the dnsWildCard parameter.

  4. Create Keycloak admin secret:

    kubectl -n security create secret generic keycloak-admin-creds \
    --from-literal=username=<keycloak_admin_username> \
  5. Install Keycloak:

    helmfile  --selector component=sso --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml apply

Deploy External Secrets Operatorβš“οΈŽ

To install External Secrets Operator, follow the steps below:

helmfile --selector component=secrets --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml apply

Deploy Kioskβš“οΈŽ

To install Kiosk, follow the steps below:

helmfile --selector component=kiosk --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml apply

Deploy EPAM Delivery Platformβš“οΈŽ

To install EDP, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a platform namespace:

    kubectl create namespace platform
  2. For EDP, it is required to have Keycloak access to perform the integration. Create a secret with the user and password provisioned in the step 2 of the Keycloak Configuration section.

    kubectl -n platform create secret generic keycloak \
      --from-literal=username=<username> \
  3. In the envs/platform.yaml file, set the edpName and keycloakEndpoint parameters.

  4. In the releases/edp-install.yaml file, check and fill in all values.

  5. Install EDP:

    helmfile  --selector component=edp --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml apply

Deploy Argo CDβš“οΈŽ

Before Argo CD deployment, install the following tools:

To install Argo CD, follow the steps below:

  1. Install Argo CD:

    For the OpenShift users:

      When using a custom namespace for Argo CD, the `argocd` namespace is also indicated as `users` in the `resources/argocd-scc.yaml` custom `SecurityContextConstraints` resource. Change it there as well.
    helmfile --selector component=argocd --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml apply
  2. Update the argocd-secret secret in the Argo CD namespace by providing the correct Keycloak client secret (oidc.keycloak.clientSecret) with the value from the keycloak-client-argocd-secret secret in EDP namespace. Then restart the deployment:

    ARGOCD_CLIENT=$(kubectl -n platform get secret keycloak-client-argocd-secret  -o jsonpath='{.data.clientSecret}')
    kubectl -n argocd patch secret argocd-secret -p="{\"data\":{\"oidc.keycloak.clientSecret\": \"${ARGOCD_CLIENT}\"}}" -v=1
    kubectl -n argocd rollout restart deployment argo-argocd-server

Deploy DefectDojoβš“οΈŽ


  1. Before DefectDojo deployment,first make sure to have the Keycloak configuration.


It is also possible to install DefectDojo via Helm Chart. For details, please refer to the Install DefectDojo page.

To install DefectDojo via Helmfile, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a DefectDojo namespace:

    For the OpenShift users:

    This namespace is also indicated as users in the resources/defectdojo-scc.yaml custom SecurityContextConstraints resource. Change it when using a custom namespace. Also, change the namespace in the resources/defectdojo-route.yaml file.

    kubectl create namespace defectdojo
  2. Modify the host in resources/defectdojo-route.yaml (only for OpenShift).

  3. Create a PostgreSQL admin secret:

    kubectl -n defectdojo create secret generic defectdojo-postgresql-specific \
    --from-literal=postgresql-password=<postgresql_password> \


    The postgresql_password and postgresql_postgres_password passwords must be 16 characters long.

  4. Create a RabbitMQ admin secret:

    kubectl -n defectdojo create secret generic defectdojo-rabbitmq-specific \
    --from-literal=rabbitmq-password=<rabbitmq_password> \


    The rabbitmq_password password must be 10 characters long.

    The rabbitmq_erlang_cookie password must be 32 characters long.

  5. Create a DefectDojo admin secret:

    kubectl -n defectdojo create secret generic defectdojo \
    --from-literal=DD_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<dd_admin_password> \
    --from-literal=DD_SECRET_KEY=<dd_secret_key> \
    --from-literal=DD_CREDENTIAL_AES_256_KEY=<dd_credential_aes_256_key> \


    The dd_admin_password password must be 22 characters long.

    The dd_secret_key password must be 128 characters long.

    The dd_credential_aes_256_key password must be 128 characters long.

    The metric_http_auth_password password must be 32 characters long.

  6. Create a Keycloak client secret for DefectDojo:


    The keycloak_client_secret value received from: edpName-main realm -> clients -> defectdojo -> Credentials -> Client secret

    kubectl -n defectdojo create secret generic defectdojo-extrasecrets \
  7. In the envs/platform.yaml file, set the dnsWildCard parameter.

  8. In the releases/defectdojo.yaml file, check and fill in all values.

  9. Install DefectDojo:

    helmfile  --selector component=defectdojo --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml apply

Deploy ReportPortalβš“οΈŽ


It is also possible to install ReportPortal via Helm Chart. For details, please refer to the Install ReportPortal page.

ReportPortal requires third-party deployments: RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch, PostgreSQL, MinIO.

To install third-party resources, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a RabbitMQ admin secret:

    kubectl -n report-portal create secret generic reportportal-rabbitmq-creds \
    --from-literal=rabbitmq-password=<rabbitmq_password> \


    The rabbitmq_password password must be 10 characters long.

    The rabbitmq_erlang_cookie password must be 32 characters long.

  2. Create a PostgreSQL admin secret:

    kubectl -n report-portal create secret generic reportportal-postgresql-creds \
    --from-literal=postgresql-password=<postgresql_password> \


    The postgresql_password and postgresql_postgres_password passwords must be 16 characters long.

  3. Create a MinIO admin secret:

    kubectl -n report-portal create secret generic reportportal-minio-creds \
    --from-literal=root-password=<root_password> \
  4. In the envs/platform.yaml file, set the dnsWildCard and edpName parameters.

    For the OpenShift users:

    The namespace is also indicated as users in the following custom SecurityContextConstraints resources: resources/report-portal-elasticsearch-scc.yaml and resources/report-portal-third-party-resources-scc.yaml. Change the namespace name when using a custom namespace.

  5. Install third-party resources:

    helmfile --selector component=report-portal-third-party-resources --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml apply
  6. After the rabbitmq pod gets the status Running, you need to configure the RabbitMQ memory threshold

    kubectl -n report-portal exec -it rabbitmq-0 -- rabbitmqctl set_vm_memory_high_watermark 0.8

To install ReportPortal via Helmfile, follow the steps below:

For the OpenShift users:

  1. The namespace is also indicated as users in the resources/report-portal-reportportal-scc.yaml custom SecurityContextConstraints resource. Change it when using a custom namespace.
  2. Change the namespace in the following files: resources/report-portal-gateway/gateway-config-cm, resources/report-portal-gateway/gateway-deployment, resources/report-portal-gateway/gateway-route, and resources/report-portal-gateway/gateway-service.
  3. Modify the host in resources/report-portal-gateway/gateway-route
helmfile --selector component=report-portal --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml apply


For user access: default/1q2w3e
For admin access: superadmin/erebus
Please refer to the page for details.

Deploy Moonβš“οΈŽ

Moon is a browser automation solution compatible with Selenium, Cypress, Playwright, and Puppeteer using Kubernetes or Openshift to launch browsers.


Aerokube/Moon does not require third-party deployments.

Follow the steps below to deploy Moon:

  1. Use the following command to install Moon:

    helmfile --selector component=moon --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml apply
  2. After the installation, open the Ingress Dashboard and check that SELENOID and SSE have the CONNECTED status.

    Ingress link
    Main board

  3. In Moon, use the following command with the Ingress rule, for example, wd/hub:

        curl -X POST 'http://<INGRESS_LINK>/wd/hub/session' -d '{
                        "version": "79.0",
                        "enableVNC": true,
                        "name": "edp",
                        "sessionTimeout": "480s"

    See below the list of Moon Dashboard Ingress rules:

    Moon Dashboard Ingress rules
    Moon Dashboard Ingress rules

    After using the command above, the container will start, and the VNC viewer will be displayed on the Moon Dashboard:

    VNC viewer with the container starting
    VNC viewer with the container starting

Deploy Monitoringβš“οΈŽ

The monitoring stack includes Grafana, Prometheus, Alertmanager, and Karma-dashboard. To deploy it follow the steps:

  1. Generate a token for Keycloak client:


    The token must be 32-character and include alphabetic and numeric symbols. For example, use the following command:

    keycloak_client_secret=$(date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 ; echo)
  2. Create a secret for the Keycloak client:

    kubectl -n platform create secret generic keycloak-client-grafana \
  3. Create a secret for the Grafana:

    kubectl -n monitoring create secret generic keycloak-client-grafana \
      --from-literal=GF_AUTH_GENERIC_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=<keycloak_client_secret> \
  4. Create a custom resource for the Keycloak client:

    View: keycloak_client
    kind: KeycloakClient
      name: grafana
      namespace: platform
      clientId: grafana
      directAccess: true
        enabled: true
      targetRealm: platform-main
      webUrl: https://grafana-monitoring.<dnsWildCard>
      secret: keycloak-client.grafana
  5. Run command:

    helmfile --selector component=monitoring --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml apply

Deploy Loggingβš“οΈŽ

To install Elasticsearch, Kibana and Fluentbit, run command:

helmfile --selector component=logging-elastic --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml apply

To install Grafana, Loki, Promtail, follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure that appropriate resources are created:

  2. Create a custom resource for the Keycloak client:

    View: keycloak_client
    kind: KeycloakClient
      name: grafana
      namespace: platform
      clientId: grafana-logging
      directAccess: true
        enabled: true
      targetRealm: platform-main
      webUrl: https://grafana-logging.<dnsWildCard>
      secret: keycloak-client.grafana
  3. Run command:

    helmfile --selector component=logging --environment platform -f helmfile.yaml apply