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Harbor OIDC Configuration⚓︎

This page provides instructions for configuring OIDC authorization for Harbor. This enables the use of Single Sign-On (SSO) for authorization in Harbor and allows centralized control over user access and rights through a single configuration point.


Before the beginning, ensure your cluster meets the following requirements:

Configure Keycloak⚓︎

To start from, configure Keycloak by creating two Kubernetes resources. Follow the steps below to succeed:

  1. Generate the keycloak-client-harbor-secret for Keycloak using either the commands below or using the External Secrets Operator:

    keycloak_client_harbor_secret=$(openssl rand -base64 32 | head -c 32)
    kubectl -n edp create secret generic keycloak-client-harbor-secret \
  2. Create the KeycloakClient custom resource by applying the HarborKeycloakClient.yaml file in the edp namespace. This custom resource will use the keycloak-client-harbor-secret to include the harbor client. After the download, you will receive the created harbor client, and the password that is actually the value of the Kubernetes secret from the step 1:

    View: HarborKeycloakClient.yaml
    kind: KeycloakClient
      name: harbor
      advancedProtocolMappers: true
      clientId: harbor
      directAccess: true
      public: false
      secret: keycloak-client-harbor-secret
        - profile
        - email
        - roles
      targetRealm: control-plane
      webUrl: <harbor_endpoint>
        - name: roles
          protocol: openid-connect
          protocolMapper: oidc-usermodel-realm-role-mapper
            access.token.claim: true
            id.token.claim: true
            userinfo.token.claim: true
            multivalued: true

Configure Harbor⚓︎

The next stage is to configure Harbor. Proceed with following the steps below:

  1. Log in to Harbor UI with an account that has Harbor system administrator privileges. To get the administrator password, execute the command below:

    kubectl get secret harbor -n harbor -o jsonpath='{.data.HARBOR_ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 --decode
  2. Navigate to Administration -> Configuration -> Authentication. Configure OIDC using the parameters below:

    auth_mode: oidc_auth
    oidc_name: keycloak
    oidc_endpoint: <keycloak_endpoint>/auth/realms/control-plane
    oidc_client_id: harbor
    oidc_client_secret: <keycloak-client-harbor-secret>
    oidc_groups_claim: roles
    oidc_admin_group: administrator
    oidc_scope: openid,email,profile,roles
    verify_certificate: true
    oidc_auto_onboard: true
    oidc_user_claim: preferred_username

    Harbor Authentication Configuration
    Harbor Authentication Configuration

As a result, users will be prompted to authenticate themselves when logging in to Harbor UI.