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Integrate Harbor With EDP Pipelines⚓︎

Harbor serves as a tool for storing images and artifacts. This documentation contains instructions on how to create a project in Harbor and set up a robot account for interacting with the registry from CI pipelines.


Harbor integration with Tekton enables the centralized storage of container images within the cluster, eliminating the need for external services. By leveraging Harbor as the container registry, users can manage and store their automation results and reports in one place.

Integration Procedure⚓︎

The integration process involves two steps:

  1. Creating a project to store application images.

  2. Creating two accounts with different permissions to push (read/write) and pull (read-only) project images.

Create New Project⚓︎

The process of creating new projects is the following:

  1. Log in to the Harbor console using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Projects menu, click the New Project button:

    Harbor Console
    Projects menu

  3. On the New Project menu, enter a project name that matches your EDP namespace in the Project Name field. Keep other fields as default and click OK to continue:

    New Project
    New Project menu

Set Up Robot Account⚓︎

To make EDP and Harbor project interact with each other, set up a robot account:

  1. Navigate to your newly created project, select Robot Accounts menu and choose New Robot Account:

    New Project
    Create Robot Account menu

  2. In the pop-up window, fill in the fields as follows:

    • Name - edp-push;
    • Expiration time - set the value which is aligned with your organization policy;
    • Description - read/write permissions;
    • Permissions - Pull Repository and Push Repository.

    To proceed, click the ADD button:

    New Project
    Robot Accounts menu

  3. In the appeared window, copy the robot account credentials or click the Export to file button to save the secret and account name locally:

    New Project
    New credentials for Robot Account

  4. Provision the kaniko-docker-config secrets using kubectl, EDP Portal or with the externalSecrets operator:


    The auth string can be generated by this command:

    echo -n "robot\$edp-project+edp:secret" | base64
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: kaniko-docker-config
        namespace: edp
        .dockerconfigjson: |
            "auths" : {
                  "auth": "secret-string"

    Navigate to EDP Portal UI -> EDP -> Configuration -> Registry. Fill in the required fields and click Save.

    Registry update manual secret
    Registry update manual secret

      {"auths" : "":
          "auth": "secret-string"

    Navigate to EDP Portal UI -> EDP -> Configuration -> Registry. Here, you will observe the Managed by ExternalSecret message:

    Registry managed by external secret operator
    Registry managed by external secret operator


    More details of External Secrets Operator Integration can be found in the External Secrets Operator Integration page.

  5. Repeat steps 2-3 with values below:

    • Name - edp-pull;
    • Expiration time - set the value which is aligned with your organization policy;
    • Description - read-only permissions;
    • Permissions - Pull Repository.
  6. Provision the regcred secrets using kubectl, EDP Portal or with the externalSecrets operator:


    The auth string can be generated by this command:

    echo -n "robot\$edp-project+edp-push:secret" | base64
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: regcred
      namespace: edp
      labels: registry "true"
      .dockerconfigjson: |
          "auths" : {
                "auth": "secret-string"

    Navigate to EDP Portal UI -> EDP -> Configuration -> Registry. Fill in the required fields and click Save.

    Registry update manual secret
    Registry update manual secret

      {"auths" : "":
          "auth": "secret-string"

    Navigate to EDP Portal UI -> EDP -> Configuration -> Registry. Here, you will observe the Managed by ExternalSecret message:

    Registry managed by external secret operator
    Registry managed by external secret operator


    More details of External Secrets Operator Integration can be found in the External Secrets Operator Integration page.

  7. In the values.yaml file for the edp-install Helm chart, set the following values for the specified fields:

    If the kaniko-docker-config secret has been created manually:

      existingDockerConfig: "kaniko-docker-config"
        type: "harbor"

    If the kaniko-docker-config secret has been created via External Secrets Operator:

      existingDockerConfig: "kaniko-docker-config"
      enabled: true
        type: "harbor"
  8. (Optional) If you've already deployed the EDP Helm chart, you can update it using the following command:

    helm update --install edp epamedp/edp-install \
    --values values.yaml \
    --namespace edp

As a result, application images built in EDP Portal will be stored in Harbor project and will be deployed from the harbor registry.

Harbor projects can be added and retained with a retention policy generated through the EDP script in edp-cluster-add-ons.