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Install via AWS Marketplace⚓︎

This documentation provides the detailed instructions on how to install the EPAM Delivery Platform via the AWS Marketplace.

To initiate the installation process, navigate to our dedicated AWS Marketplace page and commence the deployment of EPAM Delivery Platform.


EDP is aligned with industry standards for storing and managing sensitive data, ensuring optimal security. However, the use of custom solutions introduces uncertainties, thus the responsibility for the safety of your data is totally covered by platform administrator.



  • A basic understanding of AWS services and navigation is preferred to facilitate smoother setup and deployment processes. If you are new to AWS, please refer to the AWS Documentation for detailed information on the services and their usage.
  • Understanding of Kubernetes: Knowledge of Kubernetes concepts and architecture is recommended for effective management and operation of clusters.

Please familiarize yourself with the Prerequisites page before deploying the product. To perform a minimal installation, ensure that you meet the following requirements:

  • The AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster is available for deployment. For detailed instructions on creating a new cluster, please consult the AWS EKS Cluster Creation Guide. Additionally, you can refer to our EKS Deployment Guide for step-by-step instructions tailored to your specific requirements.
  • The domain name is available and associated with the ingress object in cluster.
  • Cluster administrator access.
  • The Tekton resources are deployed.
  • Access to the cluster via Service Account token is available.

Deploy EPAM Delivery Platform⚓︎

To deploy the platform, follow the steps below:

  1. To apply Tekton stack, deploy Tekton resources by executing the command below:

     kubectl create ns tekton-pipelines
     kubectl create ns tekton-chains
     kubectl create ns tekton-pipelines-resolvers
     kubectl apply --filename
     kubectl apply --filename
     kubectl apply --filename
     kubectl apply --filename
  2. Define the mandatory parameters you would like to use for installation using the following command:

     kubectl create ns edp
     helm install edp-install \
        --namespace edp ./* \
        --set \
        --set awsRegion=<AWS_REGION>
  3. (Optional) Provide token to sign in to EDP Portal. Run the following command to create Service Account with cluster admin permissions:

    kubectl create serviceaccount edp-admin -n edp
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding edp-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=edp:edp-admin
    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: edp-admin-token
      namespace: edp
      annotations: edp-admin
  4. (Optional) To get access to EDP Portal, run the port-forwarding command:

     kubectl port-forward service/edp-headlamp 59480:80 -n edp
  5. (Optional) To open EDP Portal, navigate to the http://localhost:59480.

  6. (Optional) To get admin token to sign in to EDP Portal:

    kubectl get secrets -o jsonpath="{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations['kubernetes\.io/service-account\.name']=='edp-admin')].data.token}" -n edp|base64 --decode

As a result, you will get access to EPAM Delivery Platform components via EDP Portal UI. Navigate to our Use Cases to try out EDP functionality. Visit other subsections of the Operator Guide to figure out how to configure EDP and integrate it with various tools.