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Advanced Installation Overview⚓︎

This page serves as a brief overview of all the advanced components within EDP. While these third-party tools are not mandatory, they significantly enhance the platform's capabilities, enabling the creation of a robust CI/CD environment.

EDP Third-Party Components⚓︎

Find below the list of the key components used by EPAM Delivery Platform:

Component Requirement Level Cluster
Tekton Mandatory
Argo CD Mandatory
NGINX Ingress Controller1 Mandatory
Keycloak Optional
DefectDojo Optional
ReportPortal Optional
Kiosk2 Optional
Capsule2 Optional
External Secrets Optional
Nexus Optional
Harbor Optional

Although we have dedicated instructions for all of these third-party tools, for those who installed EDP using cluster add-ons, we recommend installing them via add-ons correspondingly.

  1. OpenShift cluster uses Routes to provide access to pods from external resources. ↩

  2. These tools need to be installed in advance before deploying EDP. ↩↩