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How Do I Set Parallel Reconciliation for a Number of Codebase Branches?⚓︎

Set the CODEBASE_BRANCH_MAX_CONCURRENT_RECONCILES Env variable in codebase-operator by updating Deployment template. For example:

            - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE

              value: 10

It's not recommended to set the value above 10.

How To Change the Lifespan of an Access Token That Is Used for EDP Portal and 'oidc-login' Plugin?⚓︎

Change the Access Token Lifespan: go to your Keycloak and select Openshift realm > Realm settings > Tokens > Access Token Lifespan > set a new value to the field and save this change.

By default, "Access Token Lifespan" value is 5 minutes.

Access Token Lifespan
Access Token Lifespan